Josh and Trevor in the hunt to be the first to Deadlift 500lbs. Who do you think will be the first one? or will someone from the outside beat them both?

"A Community that SWEATS Together, STAYS Together."
We want to provide a safe, encouraging, and positive environment for adults, kids, and athletes of all ages to learn, improve, and reach their health and fitness goals. Most importantly we want to be a place that people leave healthier and happier than when they walked in.
500 Club
Josh and Trevor in the hunt to be the first to Deadlift 500lbs. Who do you think will be the first one? or will someone from the outside beat them both?
BCF Concealed Weapons Permit Class
On Saturday, May 18th at 9am Banks Country Fitness and NRA Certified Instructor Gary Nordholm are teaming up to bring you a Concealed Handgun Licensure Class. The cost will be $35 for men and $30 for women. The class will take approximately 2-3 hours. Location is TBA, but he will be coming to us. Please contact Trevor at to reserve your place.
If you have ever considered having your concealed weapons permit or have wanted one and just haven't found the time, now is your chance. Restrictions are about to tighten and it will only get harder and more expensive to get this license, so come join us for a morning of entertainment:)...
If you have ever considered having your concealed weapons permit or have wanted one and just haven't found the time, now is your chance. Restrictions are about to tighten and it will only get harder and more expensive to get this license, so come join us for a morning of entertainment:)...
Class Schedule Changes
With an increased interest
for a kid’s class and the quickly approaching summer temperatures, we are going
to make some modifications to our schedule. Effective immediately, we will be
making some changes to the evening and noon classes (see the schedule
on the blog for details), we are adding a 4:15 pm Kids/ Teens Class (May 15th)
and a 9:00 am Adult Class (June 10th), in addition we will be adding
an 8:00 am Beginner’s Class (April 29th).
The Beginner’s Class is
truly for beginners only and is meant to help people at any fitness level
achieve success. In addition, the class is also designed to give athletes
additional support, confidence, and prepare their bodies for CrossFit. Athletes
will have specialized nutritional and fitness plans to reach their individual goals.
For further details, cost, and questions please contact Trevor.
Starting Wednesday May 15th
we will be adding the Kids/Teens Class. This class will be designed for all
kids through junior high and will be every Mon, Wed, & Fr at 4:15 pm. The
kid’s class is being implemented to allow us to give these young athletes the
attention they need, but to also allow our adult members an atmosphere that is
conducive for their success and comfort. It’s truly a win, win for all involved.
With this in mind we will not be allowing athletes under fourteen to be
involved in the adult classes (high school students will be permitted to join
either class).
Finally starting June 10th
we will be adding a 9:00 am Adult Class. As always, with growing demand
additional class times will be added.
Get Fit 2013
May 20th
Challenge Begins
May 20th-22nd Photos, Physical and Pod Testing
July 10th Halfway Celebration, Nutritional
Support, and Potluck (No Classes)
August 14th-16th Photos,
Physical and Pod Testing
August 17th Hagg
Lake “Get Fit 2013”
Celebration with Winner Announced
Eat Paleo
- Standard Paleo: meat, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds
- Paleo+Dairy: milk, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese
Train 3 X week
Performance Tests (before and after)
Photos (before and after)
- $50 Pod (The most advanced and precise system for measuring body fat and muscle mass) for further Pod details please visit
- $10 Buy-in
Performance Tests:
CrossFit Total (max weight in Back Squat, Press,
1,000m Row for time
Max Reps Pullups
4 Rounds: 200m run, 10 power cleans, 10 pushups
$200 to the BCF Winner who achieves highest net
muscle mass gain and fat loss.
Opportunity to win an additional cash prize for the over all Portland Area Crossfit
FITGPA’s 90 Day Challenge 2013
Undying fame & respect from your peers, longer
life span, confidence, more energy, & new way of life
Thursday, April 25th
Wednesday April 24th, 2013
OH Squat
D.L. (225/155)
10 Calorie Row/Bike in between sets...
Buy Out-42 Sit-ups in honor of Theresa's 42nd Birthday:)
OH Squat
D.L. (225/155)
10 Calorie Row/Bike in between sets...
Buy Out-42 Sit-ups in honor of Theresa's 42nd Birthday:)
Monday, April 22nd
4x4 Back Squat use last weeks weightWOD
20-16-12-8-4 KB Swing (53/35)20-16-12-8-4 Walking Lunges (53/35)
10-8-6-4-2 Pull-ups
Friday, April 19th
Thursday April 18, 2013
Back Squat 5x3
Add 5-10 lbs from last week
Muscle Snatch (115/95)
Box Jump (24/20)
Push ups
Back Squat 5x3
Add 5-10 lbs from last week
Muscle Snatch (115/95)
Box Jump (24/20)
Push ups
Wednesday April 17, 2013
SDHP 5x5
10 Minute AMRAP
10 Pull-ups
10 Push Press (m=75/w=55)
5 Rounds
Max Meter Row 30 Sec. With 60 sec rest between rounds
SDHP 5x5
10 Minute AMRAP
10 Pull-ups
10 Push Press (m=75/w=55)
5 Rounds
Max Meter Row 30 Sec. With 60 sec rest between rounds
Tuesday April 16th, 2013
OTM for 10 Minutes
1 Power Clean
1 Squat Clean
1 Jerk
OTM for 12 Minutes
2 Power Clean
5 Hand Release Pushups
30 YD Sprint
OTM for 10 Minutes
1 Power Clean
1 Squat Clean
1 Jerk
OTM for 12 Minutes
2 Power Clean
5 Hand Release Pushups
30 YD Sprint
Nick and Bethany battling it out! Way to push!
No Noon Class Thursday & Friday April 18 & 19...
There will be no noon class this Thursday and Friday April 18th & 19th. Normal class times will resume Monday April 22nd.
Thank You,
Trevor & Bethany
Thank You,
Trevor & Bethany
Monday April 15, 2013
OH Squat 3 RM
7 Rounds
7 Russian KB Swings
7 T2B
30 Yard Sprint
OH Squat 3 RM
7 Rounds
7 Russian KB Swings
7 T2B
30 Yard Sprint
Big Congratulations to Josh on his first prescribed pull-up!!
Be for its all said and done he may own the entire strength board, but
Taking the time to improve your weaknesses is every bit as beneficial!
Nice Work Man!
Friday April 12, 2013
Split Jerk 5x2
5 Rounds
In teams of two complete
12 D.L. (#155/#105)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Press
Pictured in the Center
Huge congratulations to BCF CrossFit Member Holden Partain for qualifying for the Meet of Champs in the 4x100 relay and the 100! He has been putting some serious work in the cage and has earned this honor! Only a Sophomore as well, we are expecting big things from this kid. Great work young man!!
Split Jerk 5x2
5 Rounds
In teams of two complete
12 D.L. (#155/#105)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Press
Pictured in the Center
Huge congratulations to BCF CrossFit Member Holden Partain for qualifying for the Meet of Champs in the 4x100 relay and the 100! He has been putting some serious work in the cage and has earned this honor! Only a Sophomore as well, we are expecting big things from this kid. Great work young man!!
Thursday April 11, 2013
D.L. 4x3 @ 80% to 85% of 1 RM
Ballslams 20/14
D.L. 4x3 @ 80% to 85% of 1 RM
Ballslams 20/14
Got to love those Burpees!:)
Wednesday April, 10 2013
3 RM Weighted Pull-ups
Walking Handstand Push-ups
6 min. AMRAP
10 Cal. Row
20 OH Squats (95/65)
2 Minute Rest
6 min. AMRAP
Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)
3 RM Weighted Pull-ups
Walking Handstand Push-ups
6 min. AMRAP
10 Cal. Row
20 OH Squats (95/65)
2 Minute Rest
6 min. AMRAP
Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)
Tuesday April 9, 2013
Monday, April 8th
1 RM Power CleanWOD
3 RoundsSprint 400m (rest 2 minutes after each round)
3 Rounds
3 MU
10 DB Snatch (45/25)
20 Air Squats
Clean Technique
clean is an excellent movement to develop strength and power. In order to perform
the full clean properly one must posses a certain amount of flexibility to
achieve a good bottom position.
When performing the clean or any of our Olympic lifts you
must understand that its all about body positioning. If the body is not
positioned properly efficiency is lost. Here are a few things to keep in mind
when cleaning:
Set Up Position – Butt down chest up! Think of the bottom
position of a squat but with the bar on the floor ready to be pulled off the
First Pull – The body basically holds the same position off
the floor in the first pull. Keeping the speed of the hips and shoulders the
same is critical in order to not lose torso positioning. Make sure to drift the
knees back in order to clear the knees of the bar and load the hips for a powerful
hip extension.
Second Pull – This is where the violent extension of the
hips occur. As the lifter transitions from first to second pull the knees come
underneath the bar as the torso angles vertically. The hips then explode
towards the bar as the body extends through the ankles, legs, and hips and this
creates a contact between bar and body.
Third Pull – Immediately following the second pull the
lifter then shrugs the shoulder and bend the elbows vertically as they begin to
pull underneath the bar. The speed of the third pull is critical to the lifts
success. Focusing on fast elbows around the bar and can help to speed up the
third pull.
Common Faults:
Pulling to Fast off the floor – Always slow down the first
pull to focus on body positioning.
Early second pull – Having patience with the barbell as you
bringing the barbell up the legs into the high thigh region is important when
trying to hit the sweet spot.
Be fast – Speed and aggressiveness on the second and third
pull is critical to any successful lift. Don’t be afraid get aggressive!
Thursday April 4, 2013
Thrusters (95/65)
Thrusters (95/65)
Chris after a date this morning with his evil mistress:)
Wonder how you stack up? Check out this great link
Angela sent me!
A good little article about Fran times.
Wednesday, April 3rd
Deadlift 5x3WOD
7 minute AMRAP3 Power Snatches 115/65
6 OH Squats 115/65
9 T2B
Rest 3 minutes
Then run 800m for time
Tuesday April 2, 2013
12 Minutes (1 Minute on & 1 Minute off) 3 Max Depth HSPU & Max Double or Triple Unders
In Teams of Three
Complete 5 Rounds:
PT 1) 30 Wall Balls
PT 2) Max Sit ups
PT 3) Max Calorie Row or Bike
<PT 1 Determines when team rotates>
12 Minutes (1 Minute on & 1 Minute off) 3 Max Depth HSPU & Max Double or Triple Unders
In Teams of Three
Complete 5 Rounds:
PT 1) 30 Wall Balls
PT 2) Max Sit ups
PT 3) Max Calorie Row or Bike
<PT 1 Determines when team rotates>
Can You Read the Imprint Left by Nick's Shirt?...Way to work big guy!
Monday, April 1st
10-8-6-4-2Back Squat add weight each round
4 Rounds5 Deadlifts 255/155
10 Pull-ups
14 Goblin Squats 53/35
Friday March 29, 2013
Who says Spring Break in Oregon can't be nice:)...What a beautiful weekend!
20 Minutes Work on Your Goat
K.B. Swings (53/36)
Med. Ball Push-ups
Goblin Squats
20 Minutes Work on Your Goat
K.B. Swings (53/36)
Med. Ball Push-ups
Goblin Squats
Thursday March 28, 2013
On the minute for 10 Minutes...Front Squat 2 Reps @ 85% of 1RM
For 12 Minutes: One Minute On & One Minute Off
Max Rep Push Press (135/95)
Max Rep Burpees for remainder of minute
6 Minute AMRAP Muscle Ups
Max Round 5 Pull-ups & 5 Dips
On the minute for 10 Minutes...Front Squat 2 Reps @ 85% of 1RM
For 12 Minutes: One Minute On & One Minute Off
Max Rep Push Press (135/95)
Max Rep Burpees for remainder of minute
6 Minute AMRAP Muscle Ups
Max Round 5 Pull-ups & 5 Dips
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