B. Squat
3 Rounds For Time
5 Power Cleans (205/135/95) & (155/95/65)
10 Front Rack Barbell Lunge (205)
15 Bar Over Burpee

"A Community that SWEATS Together, STAYS Together."
We want to provide a safe, encouraging, and positive environment for adults, kids, and athletes of all ages to learn, improve, and reach their health and fitness goals. Most importantly we want to be a place that people leave healthier and happier than when they walked in.
Thursday January 30, 2014
OTHM Pull Up Throw Down (Ladder)
3 K Run
OTHM Pull Up Throw Down (Ladder)
3 K Run
All the hard work paid off yersterday with lots of PR's for our athletes...Josh kept the top spot on the board with another 15lb increase taking his PR for the front squat to 330. Biggest jump of the day goes to Holden at 65 lb's. Awesome Work Guys!
Wednesday January 29, 2014
1 RM Front Squat
Partner Black Jack
Air Squats and Push Ups
1 RM Front Squat
Partner Black Jack
Air Squats and Push Ups
A Good Old Fashioned Group Photo After a Good Afternoon WOD...Been a While Since We Have Done One of These!
Tuesday January 28, 2014
15:00 Minute Rope Climb Work
3x2 Legless Rope Climbs followed by 3x3 Standard Rope Climbs
SDHP (155/135/115) & (115/95/65)
100 M Sprint
Hang Squat Clean
100 M Sprint
15:00 Minute Rope Climb Work
3x2 Legless Rope Climbs followed by 3x3 Standard Rope Climbs
SDHP (155/135/115) & (115/95/65)
100 M Sprint
Hang Squat Clean
100 M Sprint
12:00pm Class Moving to 9:00am Starting Monday February 3rd, 2014...
Over the last year, we have tried both the 12:00pm and 9:00am time slots and after careful consideration we have decided the 9:00am is the best fit for BCF. Starting Monday February 3rd the noon class will be moving to 9:00am with the same M. T. Th. F. schedule.
In addition, we are running a $28.00 special for the month of February, so if you know of anyone that has been on the fence, this would be a great opportunity for them to come check us out (please have them contact us for further details)!
Please let us know if you have any questions and as always we love getting your feedback!
In addition, we are running a $28.00 special for the month of February, so if you know of anyone that has been on the fence, this would be a great opportunity for them to come check us out (please have them contact us for further details)!
Please let us know if you have any questions and as always we love getting your feedback!
The Exline's
Monday January 27, 2014
12:00 EMOM
1 Snatch Grip DL
1 Hang Snatch
1 OH Squat or P. Snatch
@60% of 1 RM P. Snatch
4 Rounds For Time
15 Russian KB Swings (70/53/44) & (53/44/35)
10 Ring Dips
250 M Row/.35 Bike
12:00 EMOM
1 Snatch Grip DL
1 Hang Snatch
1 OH Squat or P. Snatch
@60% of 1 RM P. Snatch
4 Rounds For Time
15 Russian KB Swings (70/53/44) & (53/44/35)
10 Ring Dips
250 M Row/.35 Bike
We should feel bad for Bob, but since he isn't taking us with him to the Super Bowl...I don't:)
Something Yummy When You Need A Snack, Easy to Make, Cheap and Won't Leave You Feeling Guilty....Enjoy!
I stole this from one of the affiliates I used to train with in CA. Sam was great at finding yummy snacks...As you can tell by the recipe, Sam cooks similar to me; pinch here, looks about right, maybe a little bit of this, but you also find some of the best stuff that way:)...Enjoy!!
Friday January 24, 2014
Max Reps in 2:00
Jumping Pull Ups
3 x 4:00 Minute AMRAPS
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
rep scheme is 1-2-3-4
Go all the way up to 4 reps of each movement and then repeat starting with 1 rep until 4 minutes are up.
HSPU (C-Deficit, S-Regular, A-Scaled)
Pistol Squat (C-44, S-Regular, A - Scalled)
(C-26, S - Regular, A-Scaled)
Rest 2:00
Turkish Get Ups (70/53/35) & (44/35/26)
Man Makers (45/25/15) & 30/20/10)
Rest 2:00
Shoot Throughs (Through & Bask is 1 rep)
Burpee Box Overs (Over and Back is One)
Max Reps in 2:00
Jumping Pull Ups
3 x 4:00 Minute AMRAPS
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
rep scheme is 1-2-3-4
Go all the way up to 4 reps of each movement and then repeat starting with 1 rep until 4 minutes are up.
HSPU (C-Deficit, S-Regular, A-Scaled)
Pistol Squat (C-44, S-Regular, A - Scalled)
(C-26, S - Regular, A-Scaled)
Rest 2:00
Turkish Get Ups (70/53/35) & (44/35/26)
Man Makers (45/25/15) & 30/20/10)
Rest 2:00
Shoot Throughs (Through & Bask is 1 rep)
Burpee Box Overs (Over and Back is One)
What a Nice Group Stretch...Who Says Boys Can't Play Nice in The Sand Box!
Thursday January 23, 2014
Perform WOD First....Then
3 x 15 GHD Situps or (3 x 30 Sec Hollow Hold)
3 x 15 Back Extensions or (3 x 45 Sec Superman)
30 Snatches for Time (135/95)
Perform WOD First....Then
3 x 15 GHD Situps or (3 x 30 Sec Hollow Hold)
3 x 15 Back Extensions or (3 x 45 Sec Superman)
30 Snatches for Time (135/95)
This Was Right Before Zach Added the 4th Plate...Way to Push Haus!
Wednesday January 22, 2014
Bench Press
20 Ab Mat sit ups between sets
25 Single Arm KB Swings (44/35) & (35/26)
20 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24) & (24/20)
15 Ring Dips
10 Med Ball Squat Cleans (25/20 & (20/14)
5 Muscle Ups (3 Ring Rows/3 HRPU) = 1 MU
50 Double Unders
3 Legless Rope Climbs (2 Seated Rope Pulls = 1 LRC)
40 Jumping Lunges
2 Legless Rope Climbs
30 Air Squats
1 Legless Rope Climb
500 M Row/.75 Bike
Bench Press
20 Ab Mat sit ups between sets
25 Single Arm KB Swings (44/35) & (35/26)
20 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24) & (24/20)
15 Ring Dips
10 Med Ball Squat Cleans (25/20 & (20/14)
5 Muscle Ups (3 Ring Rows/3 HRPU) = 1 MU
50 Double Unders
3 Legless Rope Climbs (2 Seated Rope Pulls = 1 LRC)
40 Jumping Lunges
2 Legless Rope Climbs
30 Air Squats
1 Legless Rope Climb
500 M Row/.75 Bike
Brotherly Love...Max telling Mitchell to Hurry Up or Wait Maybe Thats Max Telling Mitchell to Slow Down So He Could Rest:)...
Tuesday Januray 21, 2014
Max Effort Sled Push LOB
2 Rounds
4 LOB Sand Bag Carries
35 Thrusters (45/35)
15 Pull Ups
Max Effort Sled Push LOB
2 Rounds
4 LOB Sand Bag Carries
35 Thrusters (45/35)
15 Pull Ups
Theresa Loving Her Sled Push:)
Monday January 20, 2014
4 x 8 F. Squat @ 70% of 1RM
DL (275/225/185) & (185/155/105)
4 x 8 F. Squat @ 70% of 1RM
DL (275/225/185) & (185/155/105)
Shamrock Run Reminder...Don't Miss Out!
Hey Guys,
Quick reminder for everyone that our team deadline for registering for the Shamrock run on the Waterfront is this Wednesday the 22nd. If you have not yet registered, please take a minute and get it wrapped up. Our team registration number is 4560. We have a great group thus far, so don't miss out on some laughs, clam chowder, and a beverage! Oh yeah and a little running:)
If you are just hearing about this go to to learn more about the event and click on the Yellow Sign Me Up tab to get started. Don't forget to enter our team #4560 to receive your discount. You can choose the 5k, 8k, or 15K.
Don't forget your running shoes:)
Quick reminder for everyone that our team deadline for registering for the Shamrock run on the Waterfront is this Wednesday the 22nd. If you have not yet registered, please take a minute and get it wrapped up. Our team registration number is 4560. We have a great group thus far, so don't miss out on some laughs, clam chowder, and a beverage! Oh yeah and a little running:)
If you are just hearing about this go to to learn more about the event and click on the Yellow Sign Me Up tab to get started. Don't forget to enter our team #4560 to receive your discount. You can choose the 5k, 8k, or 15K.
Don't forget your running shoes:)
Help a Life in The CrossFit Community...
Help a life in the CrossFit community.
Kevin Ogar, is a CrossFit coach at CrossFit Unbroken in Denver Colorado. He is a highly respected trainer and athlete. Unfortunately, this past weekend at The OC Throw Down, an extremely competitive CrossFit Competition in Southern California, Kevin failed a snatch attempt. He separated his T-11, T-12, and severed his spine causing current paralysis from the waist down. He is in and out of surgery, but from what I have heard he has no-voluntary movement below his belly-bottom. Kevin also is uninsured and as you can imagine the medical costs of this injury will be very expensive. Barbells for Boobs has set up a website where you can help fundraise for Kevin. Doesn’t have to be much, anything helps whether its money, prayers, or sharing the website so more people can help. Here’s the link:
I’m sharing this information to help raise funds for Kevin so he can get the medical attention he needs, but also to remind you that CrossFit is a sport, it can be dangerous, and it can cause injuries. I’m not trying to scare anyone off, and to be honest the chances of this happening are extremely rare – people are calling it a freak accident. However, these accidents happen. Kevin is an elite CrossFit athlete and was snatching a great amount of weight, but this can happen to anyone. As we go through our motions in the gym we really need to be cautious of those around us and ourselves.
Form comes first! If you have to slow down, use a PVC pipe instead of a barbell, whatever you have to do to stay safe, do it. Don’t let your ego destroy your ability to workout. Also, listen to your coaches! If they tell you not to go so heavy or to do a progression they aren’t trying to degrade you, they are helping you stay safe and get a good workout in. Perfect form is commonly neglected and so hopefully this can remind you of how extremely important it is. Listen to your body, if something doesn’t feel right, or you don’t think your doing a movement correct ask a coach.
Stay safe and work hard!
Kevin Ogar, is a CrossFit coach at CrossFit Unbroken in Denver Colorado. He is a highly respected trainer and athlete. Unfortunately, this past weekend at The OC Throw Down, an extremely competitive CrossFit Competition in Southern California, Kevin failed a snatch attempt. He separated his T-11, T-12, and severed his spine causing current paralysis from the waist down. He is in and out of surgery, but from what I have heard he has no-voluntary movement below his belly-bottom. Kevin also is uninsured and as you can imagine the medical costs of this injury will be very expensive. Barbells for Boobs has set up a website where you can help fundraise for Kevin. Doesn’t have to be much, anything helps whether its money, prayers, or sharing the website so more people can help. Here’s the link:
I’m sharing this information to help raise funds for Kevin so he can get the medical attention he needs, but also to remind you that CrossFit is a sport, it can be dangerous, and it can cause injuries. I’m not trying to scare anyone off, and to be honest the chances of this happening are extremely rare – people are calling it a freak accident. However, these accidents happen. Kevin is an elite CrossFit athlete and was snatching a great amount of weight, but this can happen to anyone. As we go through our motions in the gym we really need to be cautious of those around us and ourselves.
Form comes first! If you have to slow down, use a PVC pipe instead of a barbell, whatever you have to do to stay safe, do it. Don’t let your ego destroy your ability to workout. Also, listen to your coaches! If they tell you not to go so heavy or to do a progression they aren’t trying to degrade you, they are helping you stay safe and get a good workout in. Perfect form is commonly neglected and so hopefully this can remind you of how extremely important it is. Listen to your body, if something doesn’t feel right, or you don’t think your doing a movement correct ask a coach.
Stay safe and work hard!
Saturday January 18, 2014
OLY Class: Snatch
Skill Sets
1.Burgner Warm-Up
2.6x3 High Hang Snatches (squat if possible); rest 90 seconds
3.15 mins to work to a heavy one rep snatch.
Strength Sets
1.Complete 30 snatches and 30 burpee over bars as quickly as possible and it is your
choice how you want to break up the snatches and burpees.
2.OHS or Back Squat 3x10. Rest 60 seconds; weight should be light to moderately light and fast.
Small Class Adjustment for This Saturday January 18th.
Hi Guys,
I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that Bri will be teaching this Saturdays 9:00am class. As always her focus will be on strength and barbell movements
The BCF Team!
I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that Bri will be teaching this Saturdays 9:00am class. As always her focus will be on strength and barbell movements
The BCF Team!
Thursday January 16, 2014
*Strength is to be done after WOD
Back and Forth Between
3 Max Unbroken DU Attempts
10 GHD Sit-Ups/30 Sec Hollow Hold/15 Abmat Situps
*15 Minute Time Cap
3 rounds
Back and Forth Between
3 Max Unbroken DU Attempts
10 GHD Sit-Ups/30 Sec Hollow Hold/15 Abmat Situps
*15 Minute Time Cap
3 rounds
16 Pistol Squats
8 Ring Dips
16 A Squats
16 Pistol Squats
8 Ring Dips
16 A Squats
Recovering After The Partner WOD! Excellent Stretching Technique Bret:) Way to Multi-task!
Wednesday January 15, 2014
3x3 Back Squat @ 90% of 3RM
20:00 Minute Partner AMRAP
One partner is doing slam balls while the other is working their way through the AMRAP when either partner can't do anymore reps they switch.
Score = Total Ball Slams & Total Rounds Completed
20 T2B
30 Pull Ups
40 Jumping Lunges
30 KB Swings (70/53) & (44/35)
20 Plyo Box Push Ups
3x3 Back Squat @ 90% of 3RM
20:00 Minute Partner AMRAP
One partner is doing slam balls while the other is working their way through the AMRAP when either partner can't do anymore reps they switch.
Score = Total Ball Slams & Total Rounds Completed
20 T2B
30 Pull Ups
40 Jumping Lunges
30 KB Swings (70/53) & (44/35)
20 Plyo Box Push Ups
Holden & Toby Battling It Out! Excited to See Where All The Hard Work Is Going To Take Them!
A Look Back...By Trevor Exline
So take a look back whether you just started a month ago or have been with us since the high school weight room and remember how far you have come. Thank You for all of your sacrifices and support and I can't wait to see where we take our little farm barn from here!
God Bless!
What A Journey!!
Come Support One Of Our Own!!
If you are looking for a great night out then please come support one of our own. Ryan Aiello's band Ill Lucid Onset is having their album release show on Friday January 31st at the Star Theatre starting at 8:00pm. If you haven't had a chance to meet Ryan he has been with us since the high school weight room days. He is one of those members that is always upbeat and cheering you through those tough moments. Ryan is also a great artist and Bethany and I are stoked to go see one of his shows live. So if you haven't chalked your calender full on the 31st, please come support one of our own as he works on one of his life long dreams!
To learn more about Ryan's band ILL LUCID ONSET go to .
Good Luck Ryan and we look forward to the show on the 31st!
To learn more about Ryan's band ILL LUCID ONSET go to .
Good Luck Ryan and we look forward to the show on the 31st!
Ryan Looking Tough!
Ryan Trying To Survive Turkish Get Ups:)
Tuesday January 14, 2014
4 x Max Effort Shoot Throughs in 30 Sec.
4 x Max Effort Strict Pull-Ups in 30 Sec.
Rest 60 Seconds between each effort
8 Minute Ladder
4 x Max Effort Shoot Throughs in 30 Sec.
4 x Max Effort Strict Pull-Ups in 30 Sec.
Rest 60 Seconds between each effort
8 Minute Ladder
Monday January 13, 2014
7 Minute EMOM
1 Power Clean
1 Push Press
1 Power Clean
1 Push Jerk
5 Rounds
Run 400 M
30 Box Jumps (24/18)
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
7 Minute EMOM
1 Power Clean
1 Push Press
1 Power Clean
1 Push Jerk
5 Rounds
Run 400 M
30 Box Jumps (24/18)
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
Morning Class Breaking In The New Platforms Right Before Giving Kelly A Lesson:)
Nice Work Everyone!!
Friday January 10, 2014
20 Minute EMOM
2 Power Snatches
(Focus on form over weight)
100 Lunges
Every Rest=5 Snatches
20 Minute EMOM
2 Power Snatches
(Focus on form over weight)
100 Lunges
Every Rest=5 Snatches
Brayden and I enjoying the Ice Lake over christmas...Unfortunately the snow flakes are fake:)
Thursday January 9, 2014
12:00 EOM
3 Controlled Skin The Cats/5 Ball Ups/7 Controlled Knee To Chest
Max Effort Strict HSPU
3 x Max Effort 500 M Row
Rest 2:00 minutes between effort
Burpee Penalty
12:00 EOM
3 Controlled Skin The Cats/5 Ball Ups/7 Controlled Knee To Chest
Max Effort Strict HSPU
3 x Max Effort 500 M Row
Rest 2:00 minutes between effort
Burpee Penalty
4:30 class getting some work done!
Wednesday January 8, 2014
5 RM Front Squat
2x5 @ 90% of 5 RM
Max Rounds 10 Minutes
20 Wall Balls
20 Pull Ups
5 RM Front Squat
2x5 @ 90% of 5 RM
Max Rounds 10 Minutes
20 Wall Balls
20 Pull Ups
We are so blessed to live in such a beautiful country! Sunrise from Monday's AM Class...See what all those sleepy heads are missing!
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