4 x 8 Barbell Row
3 x 6 Turkish Get Ups
DL (225/135)
Two Boy's Pushing To Make Each Other Better!
Nice Work You Too!
Do you have someone that pushes you?...Tyler and Ryan can be complete goof balls at times in class and sometimes we even have to add some extra burpees to get all the goofiness out of them for the day. But when that count down begins and the buzzer goes off these two battle every time to see who is going to post the top score or best time for the day and that is something that brings a smile to my face because I know that they are making each other better. Sometimes athletes are told it's all about participation and having fun and that in some way competing is almost frowned upon. As we get older, we sometimes forget that competing can be fun and very beneficial in so many ways. We are never too old to set goals and make improvements to our quality of life. Competing can be a great tool to help you get there, so ask yourself if there is someone in the box that you enjoy training with and that pushes you to get better. Facebook that person, talk to them after class, text them, whatever it takes to get on the same schedule to train together. After that be consistent, work hard, have fun and COMPETE, then sit back and watch yourself reach heights you didn't even think possible!