Can you get your BODY back?
by Bethany Exline
Each day I hear, see, and work with people who want to make a change, but the sad truth is many of them never make it past the stage of wanting. We all have different goals or aspirations some of us want to be thinner, stronger, faster, healthier, etc. But where we often fail is keeping on the path to reach our goals. Side steps happen but the trick is to keep making steps and as much as possible forward. Life is going to derail you but you must stay focused and keep moving. I have witnessed many fantastic results by amazing people who did just that. They first had a goal, then made a commitment, and stuck to it. Some of them took side steps and some stayed on the path. All of them made a difference in their lives and are working towards their goals. Goals take time, and let’s be honest we are NEVER satisfied with what we look like and we always want more. So our goals often change, sometimes before we reach our initial goal. For example, we have many ladies who come into our box and say “I don’t want to lift heavy and get big muscles, I want to be skinny and lean” then a few months later, “How can I get stronger”. It’s all in our state of mind at the time. Just start with a goal, be ok with change, find someone to hold you accountable, work hard, stay determined, and finally JUST DO IT!
Back to my story, this summer I took a journey with 13 people who all had one thing in common; they wanted to “Get their BODY back!” I was privileged to work with 8 of these fabulous people and each person made positive steps towards their goals. I am proud of each person’s transformations! They were of different body types with different goals in mind except for one common goal. To get healthier! I am thrilled to share with you their results! Watching others make sacrifices and seeing their results proves that we can all do it as long as we are willing to try and put our minds to it.
Measurements are just a tool to see our improvements but they don’t always tell the whole story. They fail to tell us how you feel, your increase in range of motion, flexibility, strength, and much more. I always tell everyone “throw your scales away!” Here is why, the scale can’t tell you how much fat you have lost or muscle you have gained (muscle weighs more than fat), they just can’t calculate the changes. We were blessed to have the Bod Pod come out and calculate these results for us! It’s awesome to see the whole picture and know how much fat was lost and muscle gained.
I wish I had everyone’s results to share with you but that the story of my life, even adults have trouble turning in their homework. I just could not wait any longer; so here are some of their amazing results…
18.2 % Body Transformation
Lost 46.5 pounds of fat
Gained 14.4 pounds of lean muscle mass
Lost over 32 pounds
17.6% Body Transformation
Lost 22.6 pound of Fat
Gained 3.5 pounds of Lean Muscle Mass
Lost over 26 pounds
13.8% Body Transformation
Lost 40.8 pounds of Fat
Gained 1.8 pounds of Lean Muscle Mass
Lost over 42.6 pounds
6.8% Body Transformation
Lost 7.3 pounds of Fat
Gained 2 pounds of Lean Muscle Mass
Lost 5.3 pounds
5.4% Body Transformation
Lost 6.9 pounds of Fat
Gained 1.6 pounds of Lean Muscle Mass
Lost 5.3 pounds
Bethany (Even I have goals, and if I am going to put someone through a tough camp, I better do something tooJ)
1.8% Body Transformation
Gained 5.1 of lean muscle mass
Lost .7 pounds of fat (In the process I still lost fat)
Gained 4.4 pounds (My goal was to gain muscle mass to get stronger!)
**I told you all, muscle weighs more than FAT!!!!J*
6.8% Body Transformation
Lost 7.3 pounds of Fat
Gained 2 pounds of Lean Muscle Mass
Lost 5.3 pounds
5.4% Body Transformation
Lost 6.9 pounds of Fat
Gained 1.6 pounds of Lean Muscle Mass
Lost 5.3 pounds
Bethany (Even I have goals, and if I am going to put someone through a tough camp, I better do something tooJ)
1.8% Body Transformation
Gained 5.1 of lean muscle mass
Lost .7 pounds of fat (In the process I still lost fat)
Gained 4.4 pounds (My goal was to gain muscle mass to get stronger!)
**I told you all, muscle weighs more than FAT!!!!J*
I am going to leave you with these amazing stories; I hope they inspire you as they have inspired me!
Kathy’s Story
My name is Kathy I have struggled to lose weight all of my adult life. I gained 90lbs with my first child and yo yo’ed back and forth for the next 32 years I tried every fad diet and miracle cure out there. I went to be hypnotized, sat down with the docs to discuss surgery and even took prescription pills to lose weight. I did all the mail order meal diets support systems plans spent 100’s of dollars on the next big video, cd, or exercise equipment you can order off late night television or buy in the store; none of which worked. Finally I just got it in my thick skull that diet and exercise were the only thing that were going to work so I started out slow met a friend who agreed to work with me to get me in shape. I did that on and off for 2 years and had some success with it, but the nutrition was still not where it needed to be and honestly neither was the exercise, so I wasn’t seeing big changes and my body was still not letting me do what I needed to physically to get the weight off. Finally he could no longer help me so I decided to try this new thing called CrossFit, against the advice of a number of people saying, I can’t do it, I’m going to hurt myself, I’m too old for this, yadda yadda yadda! But I walked into BCF CrossFit one day and met the owners who said yes you can! We can modify anything to make it work for you, oh and by the way we are about to start a 90 day boot camp called get that body back and we think it would be great for you. So I came to an informational meeting found out that not only was I going to get the exercise plan and guidance I also was going to get Nutritional help which I really needed. Bethany came to my home went through my cupboards and taught me about all the hidden sugars and chemicals that are in our everyday food. I thought I was eating healthy already. Then she took me and my family shopping and showed us how to find the right foods for a healthy lifestyle. She also met with me one on one every week to discuss any issues or concerns I might have had. It did not stop there she sent me recipes every week and when I struggled with anything she was right there to help me figure it out even offered to come help me cook if I needed it. The support was a text away or a phone call away. I remember telling her of a concern with free lunch at work. Once a week my boss buys lunch for the office staff and of course it’s take out usually loaded with fats and calories and super fattening. I was worried I would be tempted to cave. That very next Wednesday at noon I received a supportive caring text reminding me I can do this and she was thinking of me. I have not had free lunch Wednesday since. My first class with Trevor I knew I had made the right decision and I could trust him to make sure I would not get hurt and he would help me to reach my fitness goals. I also knew it was a process that was going to take time but they would be there for me every step of the way. I’m not going to lie the first week or two I hurt, I was sore and in pain but not a pain I couldn’t handle. I kept going 4 days a week I did everything they told me to do and I asked a lot of questions. If there was something I physically could not do Trevor modified it for me. I never felt out of place or pushed aside for people in better shape I love the atmosphere and the challenge to improve and to push yourself to be better. I also love that it is something new every day. I went on vacation with my family for a week Trevor and Bethany even helped me to be able to stick to my plan while on vacation. I lost 3 dress sizes and feel more fit than I have in 20 years. Literally my energy level is 3 times better than it was; I cook at home instead of eating take out which was a bad habit my husband and I got into once we became empty nesters. My friends and family can’t believe the changes in me both physically and mentally. An old friend I see rarely said to me that I looked happy and I could honestly answer that I am! For the first time in 20 years I am happy with my health and my body. I still have a long way to go to reach my goals for my overall health but I know I will get there with Trevor and Bethany and all the folks at Banks Country CrossFit. I know I made the commitment to myself to do this but without the support knowledge and commitment from them I would have never been able to. I walked in those doors 3 months ago scared frustrated and worried it may not work, I walk back in every day knowing this is the path for me to get healthy this is where I belong. I haven’t been back in the pod yet to see the actual results but I can’t wait. What I know for sure is I feel fantastic my clothes are all to big and my body will do what I need it to do in my everyday life and that is huge for a 52 year old Grandma who couldn’t get on the floor and play with her grandkids. But I sure can now and much much more.
“Since this article Kathy is closing in on 100 lbs lost and in case you missed it here are her BOD Pod results after the 3 month camp”
18.2 % Body Transformation
Lost 46.5 pounds of fat
Gained 14.4 pounds of lean muscle mass
Lost over 32 pounds
Jim and Jeni’s Story
Paleo? Yuck!! I remember Nick telling me about it the first time you did a paleo challenge and thinking why????? No dairy, no grains, no sugar?
Even after starting cross fit last February I couldn't imagine changing my diet so dramatically. In April Jim started cross fit and we heard talk of the Get Your Body Back camp. He planned on being a part of the camp and I supported him all the way. Then something in me said that maybe I should join him and be supportive. ;). So I also decided to try it. When we had our initial meeting right after the WOD (with lots of running) was over I was smoked and wanting to feel more in shape. Jesse m and I decided on the Paleo choice because it is go big or go home at our house.
When Bethany came to clean out cupboards out I was a little nervous. But I was all in and ready to try something new. After Bethany took us grocery shopping I was pleasantly surprised on the food choices and what was and what wasn't Paleo. Next the recipes started pouring in and that's when my true love for Paleo started. Amazing meals and amazing flavor. I fell in love with Paleo, Not only was I feeling happier and healthier it I was getting stronger. About a month into it my dead lift was considerably better and by August my back squat was 20lbs heavier. Paleo isn't a diet by any means it is a way of life that I intend to stick with. It has become my new passion. Losing weight was a definite bonus. But nothing beats how strong I feel when I can say no to non Paleo foods and yes to foods that my body can become stronger on.
Kathy’s Story
My name is Kathy I have struggled to lose weight all of my adult life. I gained 90lbs with my first child and yo yo’ed back and forth for the next 32 years I tried every fad diet and miracle cure out there. I went to be hypnotized, sat down with the docs to discuss surgery and even took prescription pills to lose weight. I did all the mail order meal diets support systems plans spent 100’s of dollars on the next big video, cd, or exercise equipment you can order off late night television or buy in the store; none of which worked. Finally I just got it in my thick skull that diet and exercise were the only thing that were going to work so I started out slow met a friend who agreed to work with me to get me in shape. I did that on and off for 2 years and had some success with it, but the nutrition was still not where it needed to be and honestly neither was the exercise, so I wasn’t seeing big changes and my body was still not letting me do what I needed to physically to get the weight off. Finally he could no longer help me so I decided to try this new thing called CrossFit, against the advice of a number of people saying, I can’t do it, I’m going to hurt myself, I’m too old for this, yadda yadda yadda! But I walked into BCF CrossFit one day and met the owners who said yes you can! We can modify anything to make it work for you, oh and by the way we are about to start a 90 day boot camp called get that body back and we think it would be great for you. So I came to an informational meeting found out that not only was I going to get the exercise plan and guidance I also was going to get Nutritional help which I really needed. Bethany came to my home went through my cupboards and taught me about all the hidden sugars and chemicals that are in our everyday food. I thought I was eating healthy already. Then she took me and my family shopping and showed us how to find the right foods for a healthy lifestyle. She also met with me one on one every week to discuss any issues or concerns I might have had. It did not stop there she sent me recipes every week and when I struggled with anything she was right there to help me figure it out even offered to come help me cook if I needed it. The support was a text away or a phone call away. I remember telling her of a concern with free lunch at work. Once a week my boss buys lunch for the office staff and of course it’s take out usually loaded with fats and calories and super fattening. I was worried I would be tempted to cave. That very next Wednesday at noon I received a supportive caring text reminding me I can do this and she was thinking of me. I have not had free lunch Wednesday since. My first class with Trevor I knew I had made the right decision and I could trust him to make sure I would not get hurt and he would help me to reach my fitness goals. I also knew it was a process that was going to take time but they would be there for me every step of the way. I’m not going to lie the first week or two I hurt, I was sore and in pain but not a pain I couldn’t handle. I kept going 4 days a week I did everything they told me to do and I asked a lot of questions. If there was something I physically could not do Trevor modified it for me. I never felt out of place or pushed aside for people in better shape I love the atmosphere and the challenge to improve and to push yourself to be better. I also love that it is something new every day. I went on vacation with my family for a week Trevor and Bethany even helped me to be able to stick to my plan while on vacation. I lost 3 dress sizes and feel more fit than I have in 20 years. Literally my energy level is 3 times better than it was; I cook at home instead of eating take out which was a bad habit my husband and I got into once we became empty nesters. My friends and family can’t believe the changes in me both physically and mentally. An old friend I see rarely said to me that I looked happy and I could honestly answer that I am! For the first time in 20 years I am happy with my health and my body. I still have a long way to go to reach my goals for my overall health but I know I will get there with Trevor and Bethany and all the folks at Banks Country CrossFit. I know I made the commitment to myself to do this but without the support knowledge and commitment from them I would have never been able to. I walked in those doors 3 months ago scared frustrated and worried it may not work, I walk back in every day knowing this is the path for me to get healthy this is where I belong. I haven’t been back in the pod yet to see the actual results but I can’t wait. What I know for sure is I feel fantastic my clothes are all to big and my body will do what I need it to do in my everyday life and that is huge for a 52 year old Grandma who couldn’t get on the floor and play with her grandkids. But I sure can now and much much more.
“Since this article Kathy is closing in on 100 lbs lost and in case you missed it here are her BOD Pod results after the 3 month camp”
18.2 % Body Transformation
Lost 46.5 pounds of fat
Gained 14.4 pounds of lean muscle mass
Lost over 32 pounds
Jim and Jeni’s Story
Paleo? Yuck!! I remember Nick telling me about it the first time you did a paleo challenge and thinking why????? No dairy, no grains, no sugar?
Even after starting cross fit last February I couldn't imagine changing my diet so dramatically. In April Jim started cross fit and we heard talk of the Get Your Body Back camp. He planned on being a part of the camp and I supported him all the way. Then something in me said that maybe I should join him and be supportive. ;). So I also decided to try it. When we had our initial meeting right after the WOD (with lots of running) was over I was smoked and wanting to feel more in shape. Jesse m and I decided on the Paleo choice because it is go big or go home at our house.
When Bethany came to clean out cupboards out I was a little nervous. But I was all in and ready to try something new. After Bethany took us grocery shopping I was pleasantly surprised on the food choices and what was and what wasn't Paleo. Next the recipes started pouring in and that's when my true love for Paleo started. Amazing meals and amazing flavor. I fell in love with Paleo, Not only was I feeling happier and healthier it I was getting stronger. About a month into it my dead lift was considerably better and by August my back squat was 20lbs heavier. Paleo isn't a diet by any means it is a way of life that I intend to stick with. It has become my new passion. Losing weight was a definite bonus. But nothing beats how strong I feel when I can say no to non Paleo foods and yes to foods that my body can become stronger on.
Thank you Bethany and Trevor for teaching us so much, and for your example.
Caira’s Story
Caira’s Story
I started out at 27% body fat and 55.1 pounds of fat with 73% lean and 148.8 lbs lean and a total weight of 203.9. Getting below 200 lbs was a huge goal of mine. It is just one of those numbers I never want to see again. With the help from the workouts and Erin with the nutrition part of it, I was able to make some pretty major changes. I learned that food can be fuel for your body and not just something that tastes good or makes you feel good, although sometimes it can be both. I actually started to eat more often and cleaner and have really started to feel better about my day to day routines. After the 3 months I dropped to 24.3% body fat with 48.2 lbs of fat and 75.7% lean and 150.4 lbs lean for a total of 198.6 lbs. Not a huge jump but I am confident that I am working in the right direction and taking it a meal at a time. I also know that the more my life allows me to workout the better off I will be. As you know, being a working mom is no joke and trying to find time to workout isn't always possible, but I have learned that even a 20 minute run can have some pretty positive effects on my mood, health and sanity! Anyways, thank you again for all of your help and support and for being so patient with Ella. I really could not have done it without you guys. See you soon!
Our door is always open to new and current members! If you want any additional help or have questions please ask!! We are here for YOU!