Athlete of the Day: Kathy Fitzpatrick
Age: 52
When did you begin CrossFit: June 2014
What is your normal class time: 6:00 am
What is your most recent CrossFit accomplishment? Jumping Chest to Bars
What are your goals? lose another 100 lbs, build muscle, and get healthy
What do you do when you aren't at CrossFit? I love my business- helping families with planning their financial future and I love hanging out with my 11 grandchildren.
What is one thing you have done at CrossFit that you never thought you would do?
Lift weights and run again
Do you have a CrossFit story? I had Ally convinced I was going to show her my double back flip, which I did but it was not what she expected.
Rope Climb practice OR Handstand Hold/ Walk practice for 20 mins.
15min AMRAP w/ Partner
10 DL @ BW
20 KB clean and press (70/53) (44/35)
30 Wallball shots (20/14)
40 Russian KB swings
50 Med Ball Sit-ups