Athlete of the Day: Dina Cop
Age: 43
When did you begin CrossFit? February 2013
What time do you typically attend class? Mon/Wed-Evenings and Tues/Thurs- Mornings
What is your favorite lady or hero WOD? Any Hero
What is your most recent CrossFit accomplishment? HSPU's in a WOD
What is one thing you have done at CrossFit that you never thought you would do? Keep doing it!
What are your goals? Sub 3 minute Grace. Get a pull up and strict push ups.
What motivates you during a WOD? All weights- Max 65#'s and not dying or quitting!
5x5 Strict HSPU
3x Max (active shoulder) dead hang
For time:
200m run
6 Squat cleans (135/95)
15 DU
400m run
8 Squat cleans
25 DU
600m run
10 Squat cleans
35 DU