NOTE: Bring a chair!
Tomorrow, June 2nd at 7:30pm BCF CrossFit will be hosting an important and informative seminar about Health, Fitness and Our Youth. The past two years we have worked incredibly hard to provide a healthy and supportive atmosphere for the youth in our community. This summer we are thrilled to finally be in a position of elevating our youth programs to new heights!! For this to happen parents and coaches need to be on the same page.
If you have a child enrolled in this summers camps or in regular classes a parent must attend this meeting!!! We will be tackling numerous topics including health, fitness, and our youth along with important documents to be signed by a guardian. Starting June 15th, athletes under the age of 18 will not be allowed to train with out this completed. Your child's foundations are laid by you, which is why this seminar is for you and not them, so please leave the kiddos at home. If you have a time conflict and can't make the meeting please contact me ASAP. You will need to set up an appointment to fill out the appropriate paperwork for your child prior to June 15th.
PLEASE understand this seminar isn't about us trying to get kids signed up for camps. If each parent or coach walks away learning one new thing then we did our job! If you don't have a child in the camp no big deal; we broke the meeting into two sections so that anyone not interested can leave after the first part. Only the second section of the seminar will get into the details of the camps. Feel free to invite anyone you think might be interested in learning something about these topics! The Topics we will be discussing are below:
Seminar Format Part 1:
1. Why Work Out (Youth and Exercise)?
2. What is CrossFit (NO Really what is CrossFit)?
3. Exercise/CrossFit & Youth ( What Ages Should Be Doing What)?
4. How to You Develop Better Athletes?
5. Nutrition (What's Really Going On)?
6. Self Perception (Where Does Your Child Fall)?
7. Parents Expectations/Facility Rules (What do we Expect of You)?
Seminar Format Part 2
1. Breakdown of Camps (Goals for each camp, Expectations, Format)
2. What Camp Should My Child Be In?
3. Parents Rolls?