REMINDER!!! There will be no 5:30 and 6:30 pm classes tomorrow! 4:15 and 7pm will be normally scheduled classes.
Here is the set-up:
15-20 minutes, SFH product sampling and Q & A about the products.
Whiteboard presentation with Kenny discussing how sound nutrition relates to athletic performance and/or weight management. Within this Q&A open forum he will let YOU steer the conversation with any questions about specific supplements (SFH or non-SFH, ex. what are the pros & cons of creatine, how does it really work?). His goal is to discuss nutrient timing, food comes first, and clean supplementation fills the gaps not the other way around.
This is a no brainier:) Take your rest day before 16.1, stretch, and fill that brain with knowledge!
Everyone has questions about supplements! Get your answers from someone with scientific knowledge, years of education, and who travels the country speaking about supplements. He is not an hourly employee from behind a counter at the local vitamin shop.
Finally, you need to know what your taking, what's happening inside your body, and what your body needs!
Important Details:
- Bring a chair
- No 5:30 or 6:30 classes on Thursday but we will be open for mobility.
- 4:15 and 7:30 are still available for you to get a workout:)