Hey Guys,
The BCF coaching staff does not take cancelling classes lightly. We look forward to each and every opportunity that we get with our athletes! With that said, the CrossFit Regionals only come once a year and this is the first year that it has been held here in Portland, OR. They are a great opportunity for our coaches to network, learn, and celebrate with the CrossFit community on a larger scale. For this reason we have decided to adjust tomorrow's classes (Friday May 20th). We will have a 6:00am, 5;30pm, and 6:30pm class but we will be cancelling the 8:00am, 9:00am and 4:15pmclasses, so that all the coaches can partake in the Regional festivities. Please help us get the word out, so that all our athletes are aware of these adjustments. For those of you that have already purchased your tickets, we will see you there. For those of you that have not, we would love for you to come hang out with us and watch these amazing athletes and teams throw down!
The BCF Staff!
Trevor & Bethany Exline
E-mail: Exlinebcf@gmail.com
Cell: 1.971.295.7511