Just a reminder, BCF CrossFit will be closed on Christmas. Enjoy you family!

"A Community that SWEATS Together, STAYS Together."
We want to provide a safe, encouraging, and positive environment for adults, kids, and athletes of all ages to learn, improve, and reach their health and fitness goals. Most importantly we want to be a place that people leave healthier and happier than when they walked in.
Yoga - 12/23 Class Cancled
Yoga this Saturday, December 23rd is canceled for Christmas weekend! Please enjoy your family! Kristen will see you back on December 30th.
December Athlete of the Month- Jennifer Kimmel
Jennifer Kimmel

Tell us a little about yourself and family-Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.
“I like keeping things short and sweet. I'm an awesome house cleaner (but not of my own) I'm a mother of 4 awesome girls. My family keeps me seriously busy. We are all about health and nutrition.”
How did you hear about BCF and what made you want to join?
“I've always secretly stalked the CrossFit Facebook page and blog. I've always been athletic but this CrossFit was something totally different. I loved the idea of constant change, keeping your body guessing.
What are your goals? Personal, professional, and athletic?
My goals are to love my family, love my community and share the love of Jesus! AND if I can lift a freaking heavy barbell...that's a super bonus!
What is your favorite movements and non-favorite movement?

The Snatch scares me but it’s my favorite! I guess it’s a love/hate relationship...but more love and respect.
What is you proudest CrossFit moment?
Box jumps...I couldn't get my head wrapped around jumping my whole body on top of that stinking box...That fear kept me from even trying it for almost a year. Last month I jumped on that box...YES!!

You might not know that I hated coffee until I turned 40...now I can't live without it.
What is your biggest motivation in life?
My family is my biggest motivation. Together we are stronger. And together we can do anything.
Biggest impact CrossFit has made in your life?
I love that I can keep up with my backpacking mountain goat hubby. I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life. And when you can out lift your daughter...well, that's a bonus!
Final Week of BCF Hot Deals!
Get ready for BCF’s final week of Black Friday December!! Our final week of BCF’s Hot Deals is 20% off all in stock BCF Apparel🙌🏼.
For this to work, we are asking all sales this week go through Bethany! If you would like to purchase any apparel this week please message or email Bethany with your order. All orders will be filled by date and time of your message. There will be no sales done in the box this week on apparel.
Tanks - $20 (M-1, L-1)
Kids T-Shirts - $20 (S-1, M-3, L-1)
T-Shirts - $20 (M-1, L -2, XL-1)
Baseball Shirt - $20 (M-1, L - 3,XL -2)
Lang Sleeve - $24 (L-1, XL-1)
Hats - $20 (1 hat)
BCF Black Friday December - Week 1 BCF Hot Deal
BCF Black Friday December
This week we are highlighting our WOD Repair product line.
Here’s how it works:
Email or Message me your order by Thursday at midnight. If we have the items in stock you’ll get it on Monday. If we run out you’ll have it by end of the week!
It’s ok to purchase these items for yourself, or as a gift! All WOD Repair items would make perfect stocking stuffers!!
“Get Started” - $20 Save 20%
Includes: Maintenance, Repair, & Stone
“Repair It” - $19 Save over 20%
Includes: Repair & Elixir
“Maintenance” - $15 Save over 20%
Includes: Maintenance, Stone, Shaver, 13 Extra Blades
“Get it All” - $30 Save over 30%
Includes: Maintenance, Repair, Elixir, Stone, Shaver, 13 Extra blades
BCF Black Friday December
“BCF Black Friday December” is starting this Sunday!! Are you ready to score on weekly deals? For the next 3 weeks, I will be posting a “BCF Hot Deal” of the week. You will have till Thursday at Midnight to message or email me your order. Don’t miss out on these amazing prices! It’s ok to be kind to yourself AND grab some Christmas gifts for your CrossFit Junkie too!
Happy Thanksgiving!
As you finish the parade, before football begins, and the turkey goes in... We want to let you all know how THANKFUL we are for YOU! Bethany and I think of you all as an extension of our family. Your sweat, trials, excitement, hard work, and transformations keep us blessed throughout the year! Thank you for being apart of the BCF family!
Happy Thanksgiving!
The Exline's
November Athlete of the Month-Mickey Buehrer
Micky Buehrer
As coaches
we meet together and discuss names for who could be a potential athlete of the
month. We want to see who is putting in the hard work to become a better
athlete, who challenges themselves, and encourages others at the box. Mickey
does all of these things meanwhile putting his family first!
Thank you
Mickey for being a lead example to those around you!
Tell us a little about
yourself and family-Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.
“My 4 boys keep me young at heart; I enjoy CrossFit and doing Murph. I enjoy anything that pushes my athletic boundaries.”
How did you hear about
BCF and what made you want to join?
“I didn’t want to join and thought it
was ridiculous. My wife wanted to go for the accountability aspect CrossFit
has. I went to support her with ZERO expectations. After my first month I was
What are your goals?
Personal, professional, and athletic?
Personally, run an ultra-marathon,
have a passionate relationship with my wife, and strong bonds with my sons
until I meet the grave.
Professionally, to retire from Frontier within the year, and enjoy building a business with my wife where we get to meet people all over the world by sharing essential oils and wellness supplements!
Athletic- beat Trevor at everything!” J
Professionally, to retire from Frontier within the year, and enjoy building a business with my wife where we get to meet people all over the world by sharing essential oils and wellness supplements!
Athletic- beat Trevor at everything!” J
What is your favorite
movement? Non-favorite movement?
“Clean and Jerk is my favorite! Least
fav is junk yard dog.”
“CrossFit messed up my wife’s cycle,
so we made baby boy number 4, the best CrossFit moment ever was adding to our
What is 1 thing that
people would be surprised to find out about you?
“I enjoy public speaking!”
What is your biggest motivation in life?
“Developing deep relationships with
friends and family. To raise my boys to become confident, solid, bold men of
greatness who serve the Lord, and serve their families one day in the future.”
Biggest impact CrossFit
has made in your life?
“I’ve developed a lifelong routine of
fitness and paying attention to diet.”
October Athlete of the Month- Quinn Wise
We are honored as coaches to acknowledge Quinn as our
October Athlete of the month at BCF!
October Athlete of the month at BCF!
We are blown away at how Quinn can juggle the demands that life throws are her! Between raising 5 children, working, and running kids to and from sports, she still finds a way to make it into the box, but not even that, she goes the extra mile to get in aerobic capacity to improve her overall endurance! She has shown us what dedication looks like and we couldn’t be more proud to have her as a member at the box!
Tell us a little about yourself and family- Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.
“The Wise family is a pretty large crew…...7 of us. My hubby James and I have been married for 22 years. We both grew up in Washington state, spent a 10 year stint in Alaska right after we were married, and moved back to the Pacific Northwest 2016, settling in Forest Grove. Our family has been blessed with 5 special and unique kids. Our oldest daughter, Keegan (17), is a senior in high school and will be committing to Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington to play softball next fall. My boys, Branden (16) and Aiden (14) are sophomore and freshman in high school. Both are very active in sports including: soccer, basketball, and track. Then there are the “Littles” - Peyton (12) and Nalin (10). The girls are in 7th and 4th grade. Both spend time with their own interests in arts, crafts, and basketball as well as being a built in cheer section for their older siblings.

How did you hear about BCF and what made you want tod join?
“Trevor was my youngest son, Aiden’s, basketball coach so I definitely knew about CrossFit; however, I think I just blacked it out. It wasn’t until my hubby and I were looking for ways to help our oldest daughter, Keegan, gain speed and strength for softball during the off season of her sophomore year did we look at BCF. I only signed up because I had to drive her to classes and figured I might as well do something while I waited. I know not the best reason to start but it was all I needed to get hooked."
What are your goals? Personal, professional, and athletic?

What is your favorite movement/
“My personal goals are pretty simple……happy and healthy. I know a bit cliché but true. I try to be a little better than the day before. Doesn’t always work out that way but tomorrow is another day to try again. That outlook certainly carries over into the CrossFit world. I try to “be better” each time I come to BCF. I am competitive by nature and CrossFit is a perfect outlet for that.”
Non favorite movement?
“Well aren’t they all favorites? Maybe not. I would have to say that rowing is my favorite overall CrossFit activity. Deadlifts would be my favorite bar movement. Non favorite activity would definitely be burpees! The most challenging bar movement for me has been that darn snatch!”
“Wow, my proudest moment! That’s a tough one since I try to set small goals for myself each time I step in the box and always feel a sense of pride in reaching those or even recognizing areas I can work on when I don’t quite meet my own expectations.”
What is 1 thing that people would be surprised to find out about you?
“If you didn’t know my travel schedule typically includes an annual vacation to Walt Disney World in Florida, then you might not know that I am a die hard Mickey Mouse fanatic. Well, that and the multitude of Disney art and collectibles at home might give it away. We even have personalized license plates with a Disney theme.”
“My family and faith are my biggest motivation. I work to provide my family with the opportunities that I didn’t have and set the best example I can. Hard work and belief are valuable in life.”
Biggest impact CrossFit has made in your life?
“I am glad every day that I decided to give CrossFit a try. Between work and family I knew it would be hard to find times to squeeze in a class but my crew at home was supportive and helped me find the time I needed. It has been and IS an amazing experience. I have learned more about myself then I could have imagined. Finding this outlet and community to cheer me on is priceless. I can see my determination pay off on a daily basis. It has definitely given me perspective and helped me be a better person no matter which hat I am wearing……..wife, mother, or CrossFit Quinn!!!”
Wednesday 9-6-17 Classes
We have checked out the box and we will have classes tomorrow morning. Ally will not be opening the doors or windows so you can expect it to be a little muggy. There will be no running outdoors. We will assess how things are progressing for the evening classes tomorrow but our hope is to have at least one evening class. We will send out evening updates tomorrow mid-day.
OVER 93- 4:15pm CANCELED
Just a reminder if it's over 93 degrees the 4:15pm class is CANCELED! All other classes will be as scheduled. Thanks!
Important - CrossTown ThrowDown
T-Shirt and Tank sizes NEEDED!!! All athletes competing in the CrossTown ThrowDown need to get me your T-Shirt or Tank size by Monday evening! I need to give Gina our sizes by Tuesday so we can have your shirt for you at the Comp! Please email me at exlinebcf@gmail.com your sizes and your partner size ASAP!!
4:15 Class
BCF it looks like our hot summer weather has hit and is here to stay a while! Please remember that if the temperature is 93 degrees or above the 4:15pm class is canceled. All other classes will be as scheduled. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us! Drink lots of water and replenish your electrolytes! -B
Class Cancellations for Wednesday and Thursday
The only evening class we will offer on Wednesday and Thursday will be 7:30pm.
Thank you for your understanding!
The Exline's
Everyday Warrior 2017 Battle Series

This year every class on Friday will be completing the workout for the week. Our hope is this will allow everyone to be involved and support this awesome cause. If you can't make it on Friday, no worries just contact a coach and we can make it happen for you! This battle series consists of 3 workouts, for $20! OR 3 workouts, and a shirt for $40!
Trust me when I say this money directly goes to the people who need it most! We have seen it first hand when they presented a check to our close friends the Rizzo's at BCF! Everyday Warrior is truly an awesome causes.
To register click here
Important - Must Read - Extreme HEAT WAVE!!
BCF Peeps this week it's going to be HOT! For your safely, we are going to make some serious schedule changes! Please drink LOTs of WATER each day, and make sure you're getting plenty of electrolytes!
▪️No changes
Tuesday - Friday
▪️Varsity Athletes Camp will go with the JV at 11-12:15pm
▪️No 4:15pm or 5:30pm classes
▪️6:30pm and 7:30pm will run as scheduled.
Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to see you this week!
▪️No changes
Tuesday - Friday
▪️Varsity Athletes Camp will go with the JV at 11-12:15pm
▪️No 4:15pm or 5:30pm classes
▪️6:30pm and 7:30pm will run as scheduled.
Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to see you this week!
Power is OUT!!
BCF has NO POWER!! 7:30pm class we will stay open as long as there is light! Thank you for understanding! -B
July Hot Topic
July’s “Hot Topics”
Our annual ‘Spruce-Up’ is scheduled for Saturday, July 15th starting at 9am. Please note that there will be NO 9am class that morning.We are looking for around 15-20 people to come in and help out with what they can. There will be a sign-up sheet at the gym.P.S. For those who sign-up and come help out, there will be food and wine after we are all finished up!
“Many hands make for light work.” -Exline
Water Prices
The price of water has increased, so we are now charging $1.00 for water purchased at the gym. We apologize for the inconvenience!
With that said, please remember to be drinking plenty of water on a daily basis. Simply drinking a bunch of water before a workout will not do the trick. If you don’t know how much water to drink, try shooting for half of your bodyweight in ounces.
Happy Independence Day!
Happy Independence Day to all our friends and family! We are so blessed to live in this country, have freedom, and be surrounded by such amazing humans!! Trevor and I pray you're having a wonderful day celebrating our Independence! ❤️🇺🇸 -B
Our staff will be pulling 2 sleds from Vernonia to BCF CrossFit, along the Banks-Vernonia Trail. The total distance is a little more than 24 miles. One sled will have 45 pounds for the ladies and one with 90 pounds for the boys.
We would like to start the pledges at $1 per mile, but any denomination will be greatly appreciated! Please post your pledges below or at the box. We will be posting all pledges on the whiteboard at the box where we can all see our goal being reached!
To celebrate the coaches suffering Grill Master Jaala will be cooking up his Famous chicken, along with some burgers, and hot dogs! Feel free to bring a side to share, and drinks if you want anything other then water. We should be arriving no later than 4pm on Saturday May 13th!
BCF let the bidding begin....
2017 BCF CrossFit OPEN Details
2017 BCF CrossFit OPEN Details
First, you need to sign-up at https://games.crossfit.com
All our BCF athletes will be completing the Open WOD on Fridays so you might as well sign-up!
On Friday night starting at 6pm we will have heats set-up until we finish. This is our dedicated slot for all Open athletes. However, you may complete the workout during the 6am, 8am, and 9am classes but you will be responsible for getting your own certified judge. Please remember all our coaches are Judges but they need to be coaching during their scheduled class time and not judging.Certified Judges:
Kathy F
Hillary D
Jessi C
Tonya K
Michelle B
Rachel B
For your score to count you must be judged by a certified judge!!Class Changes:
No regular afternoon or evening (4:15, 5:30, or 6:30) classes on Friday's. But please feel free to come anytime after 6pm. You can do the workout even if you don't sign-up but you should sign-up;)Team:
Our BCF Team will be going at 5pm. Please feel free to come early and cheer us on!Please contact us with any questions!
Tuesday Morning Classes - running as scheduled
So for now unless the weather gets crazy on us we will have the 6am class. If for some reason the weather is bad Ally will post to our BCF Facebook page that class is cancelled!
Thursday's Classes
Alright BCF peeps! Holden is going to brave the weather to meet the 6am crew so you guys can get your workout on!! Yahoo Holden!!!!
All Thursday classes will be running as scheduled!
All Thursday classes will be running as scheduled!
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