We are honored as coaches to acknowledge Quinn as our
October Athlete of the month at BCF!
October Athlete of the month at BCF!
We are blown away at how Quinn can juggle the demands that life throws are her! Between raising 5 children, working, and running kids to and from sports, she still finds a way to make it into the box, but not even that, she goes the extra mile to get in aerobic capacity to improve her overall endurance! She has shown us what dedication looks like and we couldn’t be more proud to have her as a member at the box!
Tell us a little about yourself and family- Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.
“The Wise family is a pretty large crew…...7 of us. My hubby James and I have been married for 22 years. We both grew up in Washington state, spent a 10 year stint in Alaska right after we were married, and moved back to the Pacific Northwest 2016, settling in Forest Grove. Our family has been blessed with 5 special and unique kids. Our oldest daughter, Keegan (17), is a senior in high school and will be committing to Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington to play softball next fall. My boys, Branden (16) and Aiden (14) are sophomore and freshman in high school. Both are very active in sports including: soccer, basketball, and track. Then there are the “Littles” - Peyton (12) and Nalin (10). The girls are in 7th and 4th grade. Both spend time with their own interests in arts, crafts, and basketball as well as being a built in cheer section for their older siblings.

How did you hear about BCF and what made you want tod join?
“Trevor was my youngest son, Aiden’s, basketball coach so I definitely knew about CrossFit; however, I think I just blacked it out. It wasn’t until my hubby and I were looking for ways to help our oldest daughter, Keegan, gain speed and strength for softball during the off season of her sophomore year did we look at BCF. I only signed up because I had to drive her to classes and figured I might as well do something while I waited. I know not the best reason to start but it was all I needed to get hooked."
What are your goals? Personal, professional, and athletic?

What is your favorite movement/
“My personal goals are pretty simple……happy and healthy. I know a bit cliché but true. I try to be a little better than the day before. Doesn’t always work out that way but tomorrow is another day to try again. That outlook certainly carries over into the CrossFit world. I try to “be better” each time I come to BCF. I am competitive by nature and CrossFit is a perfect outlet for that.”
Non favorite movement?
“Well aren’t they all favorites? Maybe not. I would have to say that rowing is my favorite overall CrossFit activity. Deadlifts would be my favorite bar movement. Non favorite activity would definitely be burpees! The most challenging bar movement for me has been that darn snatch!”
“Wow, my proudest moment! That’s a tough one since I try to set small goals for myself each time I step in the box and always feel a sense of pride in reaching those or even recognizing areas I can work on when I don’t quite meet my own expectations.”
What is 1 thing that people would be surprised to find out about you?
“If you didn’t know my travel schedule typically includes an annual vacation to Walt Disney World in Florida, then you might not know that I am a die hard Mickey Mouse fanatic. Well, that and the multitude of Disney art and collectibles at home might give it away. We even have personalized license plates with a Disney theme.”
“My family and faith are my biggest motivation. I work to provide my family with the opportunities that I didn’t have and set the best example I can. Hard work and belief are valuable in life.”
Biggest impact CrossFit has made in your life?
“I am glad every day that I decided to give CrossFit a try. Between work and family I knew it would be hard to find times to squeeze in a class but my crew at home was supportive and helped me find the time I needed. It has been and IS an amazing experience. I have learned more about myself then I could have imagined. Finding this outlet and community to cheer me on is priceless. I can see my determination pay off on a daily basis. It has definitely given me perspective and helped me be a better person no matter which hat I am wearing……..wife, mother, or CrossFit Quinn!!!”