If you have seen Ally workout and move at the gym you are just in awe! She moves with such grace and wants to always get better! She is inspiring in so many ways! As our gymnastics coach, she is always finding new ways to teach the athletes and finds a way for them to understand and improve their technique, not just get the movement.
She isn't just a coach, but she's ALSO an athlete and that is why she is our athlete of the month for March! On top of our regular asked questions, I asked her some about coaching!
"This Summer will be 5 years!!"
What made you want to become a coach?
"I’ve always wanted to be a trainer or be involved with athletes somehow, but I didn’t know in what way. I went to school to be an Athletic Trainer, but decided it wasn’t for me. Then I found CrossFit… :)"
What drives you to be a better coach?
"Oh man… What drives me to be a better coach is the people that I’m coaching. I want to be better and do better for them. I know that how I coach directly impacts my athletes, and I don’t take that lightly. I want to be the best coach I can so that my athletes can be the best athletes they can be. And of course, Trevor! I want to show him that he picked the right person for the job. So I’m always trying to learn more or find more ways to coach better for him."

What is the most important thing you have learned from an athlete/or about yourself since coaching?
"I have so many answers for this one, but I think the most important thing I’ve learned in the last 5 years is how to be confident in myself as an athlete and as a coach!"
Tell us a little about yourself and family - Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.
I’ve been in Banks my whole life, and currently live in my childhood home with my husband, Nick and my 2 year old son, Jackson! My interests include CrossFit (duh), hanging out with my family, and…. Well, that’s about it. I’m a mom. So I don’t do much else HAHA

How did you hear about BCF and what made you want to join?
Nick and I joined in 2012 when BCF wasn’t even affiliated yet. We were working out in the High School gym one day when Trevor approached us and asked if we wanted to hop in on a workout. We looked over and saw a handful of middle aged women huffing and puffing and we thought “this will be a piece of cake!” Well, we got our asses handed to us! The word MODIFY didn’t exist in Trevor’s dictionary, so we were fed to the wolves every day we went in. But we kept coming back, and the rest is history!
What are your goals? Personal, professional, and athletic?
My goal is to be a better athlete than I was before I had Jackson. I want to be strong, move well and efficiently, and to be a good example for all BCF athletes. I don’t have any specific lifting or gymnastics goals at the moment..
Favorite gymnastics movement is definitely pull-ups! Strict, kipping, butterfly! I need to improve my C2B butterflies, but they’re getting there! Non-favorite would be wallballs and thrusters! My short legs make it difficult to move the wallballs and thrusters!

What is your proudest CF moment?
Hmm…. getting back to lifting weight again after having Jackson! I was out for a good year after having him due to a back injury.
What is 1 thing that people would be surprised to find out about you?
That my actual name is Allison. Ally was a name that has stuck with me since the 5th grade. (This isn’t very interesting, but it’s the only thing I could think of lol)
What is your biggest motivation in life?
My motivation is knowing that I am being watched by my son. I want to be a good example in every aspect of life for him.
Biggest impact CrossFit has made in your life?
It has literally changed our lives completely! If we wouldn’t have started CrossFit when we were invited, I wouldn’t now be in the coaching position I’m in, I wouldn’t have all the friends I do now, and I think I would be a very unhappy person. CrossFit has been one of the best things that has happened to us!