"A Community that SWEATS Together, STAYS Together."
We want to provide a safe, encouraging, and positive environment for adults, kids, and athletes of all ages to learn, improve, and reach their health and fitness goals. Most importantly we want to be a place that people leave healthier and happier than when they walked in.
Gymnastic Course

Bring 3, Learn, & Share - BCF's Doterra Essential Oils Class

It is EXTREMELY important that you RSVP and comment in the Event with a post of which oils or products you will be bringing. That way I can be prepared with information JUST FOR YOU and the group!! If at all possible please post your oils by April 20th.
If you're new to essential oils and just want to come join, relax, socialize, and listen you are ALWAYS welcome! You don't need to stress or bring anything but your fabulous self!
Please contact me if you have any questions!
Hot Topic: Goal Setting
With The Open having come to a close, we’re all sad and glad at the same time that it is over. Many of our members posted triumphs and frustrations, your coaches included. There’s probably a workout that’ll haunt you until you get to do it again - and one you could not be prouder of yourself. The Open has a way of bringing out the best in us, and many of us see PRs… but it also shines a bright light on areas we can improve. No one comes out of The Open without something to work on - not even the elites. Not even the athlete who will ultimately win the 2019 CrossFit Games. In fact it is the drive they have leaving these competitions that will lead them to their victory.
Wherever you may fall in the above, we want you to take a step back and look at how far you have come. Look at the community you are a part of. Look at the efforts you are making to give yourself a better life. Look at the kiddos looking at you - you are leading by example.
Reflect on how you went into The Open and how you came out of The Open. Think about what you want your goals to be now that it is over, because just like all competition, once it’s over, it’s time to get back to work. If you are not sure how to reach your goals, pull any coach aside and ask for help. One way we all can get better is by sticking around for the accessory & core work Coach programs for us. Think of our strength complexes like the forging of a sword and the accessory and core work like the sharpening of that sword. You can’t create the most powerful weapon possible without the forge and the sharpening stone. To reach your peak potential you must utilize all the tools put in front of you!
Dynamic Duo April Athlete of the Month- Adam Shepard and Greg Van
We love the friendly competitiveness Adam and Greg have and we couldn't think of a better duo for our April Athlete of the Month!
Tell us a little about yourself and family- Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.
Adam- I’m privileged to be a husband to my beautiful wife Becca for the last 18 years and have 2 great boys Noah (8) and Ethan (5). I split the coasts growing up. I was in Oregon until I was about 13 and moved to New York where I met Becca. We moved back to Oregon in 2005 and see Oregon as home for sure! I'm a real estate agent and enjoy working with people and negotiations. There is something very satisfying about quickly learning what motivates people and then bringing 2 groups together for a win win even when it appears that they are nowhere near coming to a deal. As far as hobbies go, I would officially say I love CrossFit! I also enjoy mountain biking and Greg is helping me learn to hunt. Its nice to have Greg return the favor after all the vast knowledge I have had to drop on him concerning CrossFit. In general, I enjoy being outside and with my family!
Greg- I'm was born and raised local from the big city of Gales Creek. I was actually born in my house, the same house my Dad still lives in. I graduated from Forest Grove High School in 1998 and then went to PCC for my Associates degree and then started working for Intel after that, where I have been ever since. I met my beautiful wife Jessica, in 1998 when she was on a trip from Nebraska visiting family here. You could say it was love at first sight. We got married in 2002 and we now have 3 wonderful kids! Luke (13), Bella (11), Reid (7). We were finally able to move from our townhouse in Hillsboro last year and now reside out in the woods in Gaston on a couple acres with room for the kids to play. My main hobby and passion is hunting, specifically archery for Elk. I also love to fish, play basketball and golf, play guitar (although I consider myself retired), be with my family and just do anything outdoors.
How did you hear about BCF and what made you want to join?
Adam- One of my best friends in Portland had started CrossFit. He is older than me (55 years old, that’s NOT old, just older than me!) I could see he was getting fitter. One day he was at my house for dinner and started wrestling with my boys. I joined in the horseplay but quickly tired out and had to sit and watch. As they continued to play I had a VERY heavy and emotional weight come down on me. I fast forwarded in my mind 3 or 5 years down the road and wondered if I could keep up with my boys, go for hikes, run around with them, all while watching my friend playing with my kids. I couldn’t stand the thought of it. I said to myself “I have always said I would do ANYTHING for my kids…so why am I not willing to get fitter, to make those sacrifices?” That night I started looking at Crossfit boxes in the area. I was actually looking for the one in Forest Grove as it was the only one I had seen, yet a Google map pin popped up in the middle of a field in Banks. I sent the web page to my buddy and asked if I should go the next day. He emphatically said YES! I was scared to death that first day. I sat in the car and seriously thought about driving away. Once I committed to walking in the doors, the coaches and athletes welcomed me in and helped so much! Once I got a taste I was addicted!
Greg- Well my other son (you may know him as Adam, but I refer to him as my son since I teach him so many new things...like how to get his first muscle up for instance!) invited me to join him for a class on a very early Friday morning. I was a little hesitant, this was definitely outside of my comfort zone. The energy and welcoming of the 6 am crew and coach was great and made me feel a little more at ease. At that class, I realized I wasn't in as good of shape as I thought I was and that if I didn't pace myself during my first WOD I was going to throw up, lol. After that I was hooked and decided to join!
Adam- I started because of my kids and my health, now its all about beating Greg. JOKING I really love pushing myself, its kind of that simple. My overall WHY is being the best version of myself for my family.
Greg- I like the results I'm seeing and how I'm getting stronger and being able to do things I didn't think I would be able to do. The coaches and athletes are awesome and it’s just a great community you want to be a part of. Being able to keep my son (Adam) in check is also a small part of it. I do let him beat me on a WOD every once in a while though, like a good parent should do when playing with their kids. Jessica's example keeps me motivated too! She's always had better motivation to work out than me, so I just try to keep up with her the best I can.
What are your goals? Personal, professional, and/or athletic?
Adam- I would like to become more proficient at some of the movements I have just learned, like DUs and MUs, and keep building weight on the barbell! One major goal is to have my ring muscle up before Greg, I’m feeling pretty good about that one!
Greg- I would say my main athletic goal is to bring Trevor to tears when he sees my perfect squat form one day. Handstand walks would be awesome to get but I'm not good being upside down so that will take a lot of work. Ring muscle ups, eh, I could take it or leave it...may let Adam get that one first since it would mean a lot to him, and I care about making him happy. My professional goal is to...RETIRE...EARLY...
What is your favorite lift, movement or WOD? Least Favorite?
Adam- I enjoy deadlifts and cleans. I have LOVED doing the open. Being my first year, I wasn’t sure what to expect but its been very satisfying pushing myself and getting pushed by the 6am crew!!! Least favorite, the bike I hate that demonic bike!!!!
Greg- Favorite is sumo deadlift, bench, assault bike, box jumps and wall balls. Least favorite is burpees. It's an unnatural move and should be banned, IMHO.
What is your proudest CF moment?
Adam- I think the Cross Town Throw down. I was just a couple of months into CrossFit and I really wanted to see what I was capable of and see what the thrown down was all about. Zach Rhyne was my partner and we really had a great time! It was great to come in 3rd in our division. I cant wait until this years throw down. If Greg hasn’t given up CrossFit by the next throw down I’ll let him ask me to be his partner.
Greg- Getting my first muscle up and HSPU. Seeing Jessica get HSPU's on 19.3 was pretty awesome too. Also, seeing my son get his first muscle up after I showed him the way.
What is one tip you would give someone who is interested in CrossFit or new to CrossFit?
Adam- Check your ego at the door! Anyone can beat Greg at any WOD any day! Seriously don’t be overwhelmed just get in the door and start the journey. See where it takes you! Be open to coaching, be open to listening and be willing to compete with yourself and not compare yourself with others. Learn from the other athletes and simply have fun!
Greg- Just try it! Be patient learning the moves and progress at your own pace. Learn to love the bamboo stick and how to remove weight off your bar when your form isn't correct. Listen! This is the voice of experience speaking!
Biggest impact CrossFit has made in your life?
Adam- All around better health. I eat vegetables now so that’s cool! I feel better and all the hobbies and activities that I have always loved are simply even better now, I enjoy hiking and mtn biking even more thanks to the gains in my health!
Greg- I was talking with coach Mickey the other day at the box and he was saying how he feels it's good for everyone to have something in their life they do that is hard and challenges them (loosely quote, but you get the point). What he said really stuck with me and as I look back over my 8 month Crossfit journey so far I can see how I've already accomplished things I didn't think I would be able to do. Crossfit has helped me to break down mental hurdles that I tend to put in front of myself. Looking forward to seeing where I'll be a year from now!
Greg- I was talking with coach Mickey the other day at the box and he was saying how he feels it's good for everyone to have something in their life they do that is hard and challenges them (loosely quote, but you get the point). What he said really stuck with me and as I look back over my 8 month Crossfit journey so far I can see how I've already accomplished things I didn't think I would be able to do. Crossfit has helped me to break down mental hurdles that I tend to put in front of myself. Looking forward to seeing where I'll be a year from now!
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