Tell us a little about yourself and family- Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc
I have lived in Banks my whole life with my family. I went to elementary and middle school in banks, and went to Liberty high school in Hillsboro. Growing up I was very into soccer, playing it competitively at Liberty and through FC Portland. Currently, I am entering my junior year of college in the product design program at the University of Oregon.
How did you hear about BCF and what made you want to join?
My first introduction to BCF was when Trevor came to my fitness class at Banks Middle School. We did a body weight workout, and I thought it was really cool. I even got the best score, so I felt pretty good about myself. Trevor was advertising the athlete summer camp to the class, which I signed up for a few days later. Now I coach the same camps that I participated in when I first started crossfit.
What motivates you to come to the box week after week?
Apart from just wanting to feel good and be healthy, I don’t really have anything specific that motivates me to come back. Working out is just a part of my day, and it’s not really a question if I’m going to workout or not. I will say that Nicol does motivate me to do more, and work harder. She’s always doing some extra stuff trying to get better than me, and I’m not about to let that happen.
What are your goals? Personal, professional, and/or athletic?
Im probably the lamest person ever when it comes to goals because I don’t really have any amazing ones. All I want is to be able to look good and move well. I used to set goals for certain weights, but my mentality has changed; longevity and the quality of movement I'm doing has taken priority, but I still like to PR and kick Trevor’s ass once in a while. In other aspects of my life I hope to graduate and get a job as a Product Designer working with CAD modeling and rapid prototyping methods like 3D printing.
What is your favorite lift, movement or WOD? Least Favorite?
My favorite lift is any heavy snatch, but less than two reps because anymore and it’s cardio. I am also a big fan of muscle ups or really any gymnastics movement. My least favorite movement without a doubt is the deadlift, I hate it with a passion. I also really don’t like AMRAP’s because there’s so much mystery in them. How many rounds will I get? who knows, all I know is that it sounds like a lot of work.
What is your proudest CF moment?
My proudest crossfit moment is being able to workout without constant back pain. For over a year I had suffered with pretty consistent back pain that progressively got worse. After seeing a plethora of different professionals, I was able to establish the root cause and begin fixing it. It's been about 8 months since making a change and things are moving in a positive direction. Funny enough, the answer to my back pain was tons of core and ACCESSORIES!!!. Accessories are the key to a strong and healthy body and have become vital for me to do everyday in order to live a pain free life. Turns out Trevor knows what he’s doing programming all those accessories.
What is one tip you would give someone who is interested in CrossFit or new to CrossFit?
Don’t take it too seriously. Unless you are planning on going to the games, use crossfit as an outlet to feel good and be healthy. Making gains and getting stronger is an awesome feeling that everyone should strive for, but there is more to it than hitting PR’s.
Biggest impact CrossFit has made in your life?
Crossfit has made a huge impact on my life. It has given me a job, as well as a community to be a part of. It has made me stronger, more aware of my body, and taught me how to take care of it. Most importantly, without crossfit I probably would never have gotten a girlfriend.
Free write:
You don’t have to kill yourself in the gym every day. Consistently beating your body down day after day adds up, and ultimately puts you at risk for injury. Don’t be embarrassed to scale a workout or do less reps. Listen to your body and adjust. Some days I purposely go easier, using lighter weights and lower intensity. Doing this allows me to push myself more on the days that I go at a higher intensity. It’s all about finding a balance, and allowing your body to rest when it needs. We spend so much time in the gym breaking down our body, but don’t always pay attention to recovery and rest, which is equally important. As always If you have questions ask a coach, we’re always looking out for our athletes and want them to feel safe and comfortable.