Tell us a little about yourself and family- Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.
Growing up, I lived all over the west coast including (Different parts of Nevada, New Mexico, and Arizona) but I spent my high school years in a remote area of central Nevada graduating with 5 kids in my class. I have two handsome, stubborn, and strong-willed boys, which is just how I like them. Fortunately for me, I have a beautiful, caring, and strong-willed wife by my side to help keep the family upright. My hobbies, interests, and occupation are all tied together which include coaching, sports, fitness, and construction. Luckily for me, “The Farm” gives me plenty of opportunities to work on all these aspects of my life lol.
What inspired you to build BCF, and did you see it where it is now when you first started out?
What inspired me to start BCF is a passion for fitness, helping others, and making a positive impact in people’s lives. But before I jumped off the proverbial edge it took a little nudge from Bethany. She
encouraged me to take a chance and chase this dream as it began to evolve. Later this dream evolved into an even loftier dream of creating a unique and special place for people to reach these goals (AKA…The Farm). In the beginning, there was NO way for me to fully imagine BCF where it is now because I didn’t yet fully understand the power of our community.
What motivates you to come to the box week after week?
This one is simple…. The amazing people we call our members and my family!
Where do you see BCF in 5 years?
My goal for BCF in 5 years is to continue on our path of becoming a unique and special location unlike any others in the area, but most importantly, my goal is to continue working hard to create an atmosphere and facility people can rely on to help create the best versions of themselves! This means a place for our members to get away from the stresses of everyday life, create positive and supportive relationships, and strive for those health and fitness goals!
What are your goals? Personal, professional, and/or athletic?
My personal goals are to finish the big projects (Yoga, Turf, Barbell Club, and Running surface) at The Farm and to wrap up a couple remaining projects on my personal property in the next two years, so I can spend more time focusing on my family, our members, and my own fitness.
My professional goals include continuing my education in the world of health and fitness, and business management, so I can be the best coach, boss, and business owner possible.
My athletic goals are to stay as healthy and fit as possible as I age to set a positive example for our members, and to enjoy my family & friends. Also, my side goal is to be as healthy and fit as Frank and Lynda when I’m in my 60’s lol!
What is your favorite lift, movement or WOD? Least Favorite?
I have been involved in fitness my whole life and CrossFit for over a decade now, so I have seen my fitness journey evolve and change over the years. When I started CrossFit in 2008, I loved the simple movements that just involved gripping and ripping (DL’s, KB Swings, Pull Ups, etc), but over time I have grown to appreciate and really enjoy the more complex movements that involve more of the ten physical skill sets such as (Snatches, Handstand Walking, MU’s, Etc). My least favorite movement is still probably the HSPU, but I also appreciate it because they keep me motivated to stay light LOL.
What is your proudest CF moment?
This is such a tough one because I have had so many, but most recently it was getting to do Pistol Squats in the Open pain free. Patience is not a strength of mine, but over the last six months I had to do just that by being patient with my Physical Therapy and recovery process to strengthen my patella tendon, so I could return to all activities pain free. This has been a long and arduous process, and still one that I will have to constantly monitor as I age, but so worth the time and sacrifice.
What is one tip you would give someone who is interested in CrossFit or new to CrossFit?
I have several lol, but if I had to narrow it down, I would say…Find a community and coaches that make you feel welcome and fit “you” because it’s what will help you stay with it long term! Come into it with an open mind, so you can form your own opinions. Learn to enjoy the process along with your journey and don’t get caught up with what others are doing. Each and every athlete is on their own path, which is exactly how it should be. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask “why”, it will help you be a better athlete in the long run! So much for “one tip” lol…
Biggest impact CrossFit has made in your life?
Helped me discover my passion for helping others through fitness and gave me a healthy outlet to combat the boulders life throws at us!
Free write: (anything else you want to mention or say)
Just how proud I am of our little community and grateful I am to get to lead it!