"A Community that SWEATS Together, STAYS Together."
We want to provide a safe, encouraging, and positive environment for adults, kids, and athletes of all ages to learn, improve, and reach their health and fitness goals. Most importantly we want to be a place that people leave healthier and happier than when they walked in.
January Athlete of the Month- Elaine Beth
November Teen Athlete of the Month- Cade Buchanan
Tell us a little about yourself and family- Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc
How did you hear about BCF and what made you want to join?
What motivates you to come to the box week after week?
What are your goals? Personal, professional, and/or athletic?
What is your favorite lift, movement or WOD? Least Favorite?
What is your proudest CF moment?
What is one tip you would give someone who is interested in CrossFit or new to CrossFit?
Biggest impact CrossFit has made in your life?
November Athlete of the Month-Jennifer Terry
Tell us a little about yourself and family‐ Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.
How did you hear about BCF and what made you want to join?
What motivates you to come to the box week after week?
What are your goals? Personal, professional, and/or athletic?
What is your favorite lift, movement or WOD? Least Favorite?
What is your proudest CF moment?
What is one tip you would give someone who is interested in CrossFit or new to CrossFit?
Biggest impact CrossFit has made in your life?
October Teen Athlete of the Month- Jorja
Tell us a little about yourself and family- Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.
How did you hear about BCF and what made you want to join? How long have you been with BCF?
What are your goals? Personal, professional, and athletic?
What is your proudest CrossFit moment?
What is one tip you would give to someone who has never done CrossFit before?
What is the biggest impact CrossFit has made in your life?
October Athlete of the Month- Tony Soldati
Tell us a little about yourself and family- Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.
How did you hear about BCF and what made you want to join? How long have you been with BCF?
What are your goals? Personal, professional, and athletic?
What is your favorite movement? Non-favorite movement?
What is your proudest CF moment?
What is one tip you would give someone who is interested in CrossFitor new to CrossFit?
Wednesday’s 9/16 classes
Adult classes are a go! Teen classes are TBD. We will send an update about the teen classes before noon tomorrow. If you're not comfortable coming don't worry, we will still have an at home workout available for you on Wodify.
Please go to The Farm page or the Teen page on Facebook for more details!!
All Tuesday's Classes are Cancelled!
All classes on Tuesday 9/15 are cancelled. Please see Wodify for an at home workout, and go to The Farm page or theTeen page on Facebook for movement details.
Tuesday 9/15
Tuesday's 5am, 6am, 9am, and noon classes are cancelled. I will send out an update around noon for the second half of the day. Please check Wodify for another at home workout and go to The Farm Facebook page for clarification.
Sunday Kids/Teen/Football Classes Cancelled!
As you can all probably guess the air quality in the box is not safe. We have to cancel all classes today!
Closed Friday & Saturday!
We are going to keep the box closed today, and cancel all classes on Saturday. Please stay SAFE and indoors!
Friday 9/11
Based on the current "Unhealthy" air quality and the grim chance of things clearing up enough to be at a moderate level by morning, we are going to cancel the 5am, 6am, 8am, 9am, and Noon classes. We will reassess at 3pm and make a final decision for the afternoon and evening.
Please BE SAFE and let us know if YOU or ANYONE you know NEED's HELP!
~Bethany and Trevor
Thursday 9/10
As of this morning our air quality has risen to 85. With the projected weather today, I don't foresee this getting better, but worse. At this time we are moving all adult classes inside and CANCELLING ALL Teen, Football, and Kid classes for today!
If the air quality reaches 100, we will be cancelling Adult classes as well! Please, before you come to class check Facebook, Instagram, our website, and your email box for updates.
Stay SAFE!
Tuesday 9/8 Afternoon & Evening Classes
All afternoon and evening classes are a GO! The air is clear and the High wind advisory has been cancelled, but the Wind advisory is still in effect until 7pm tonight. Please just watch your surroundings.
Thank you!
Tuesday, September 8th
BCF Fit Fam,
With the strong wind advisory and the terrible air quality, we are going to cancel these classes tomorrow (Tuesday, September 8th): 5am, 6am, 9am, and noon classes. Then tomorrow, around noon, we will reassess the wind conditions and air quality for the evening classes. Please be checking the announcements on Wodify, your email, bcfcrossfit.com, or social media for updates!
Thank you!
September Athlete of the Month-Kaci King
Tell us a little about yourself and family- Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.

How did you hear about BCF and what made you want to join? How long have you been with BCF?
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What are your goals? Personal, professional, and athletic?
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What is your favorite movement? Non-favorite movement?
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What is 1 thing that people would be surprised to find out about you?
What is your biggest motivation in life?
August Athlete of the Month- Jesus Andrade
Tell us a little about yourself and family- Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.
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How did you hear about BCF and what made you want to join? How long have you been with BCF?
What is your favorite movement? Non favorite movement?
What is one thing people would be surprised to find out about you?
What is your biggest motivation in life?
July Athlete of the Month- Frank Goovaerts
Tell us a little about yourself and family- Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.
How did you hear about BCF and what made you want to join?
What motivates you to come to the box week after week?
What are your goals? Personal, professional, and/or athletic?
What is your favorite lift, movement or WOD? Least Favorite?
What is your proudest CF moment?
What is one tip you would give someone who is interested in CrossFit or new to CrossFit?
Biggest impact CrossFit has made in your life?
Free write: (anything else you want to mention or say)
June Athlete of the Month- Lucy Plews
Tell us a little about yourself and family- Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.
How did you hear about BCF and what made you want to join?
What motivates you to come to the box week after week?
What are your goals? Personal, professional, and/or athletic?
What is your favorite lift, movement or WOD? Least Favorite?
What is your proudest CF moment?
What is one tip you would give someone who is interested in CrossFit or new to CrossFit?
Biggest impact CrossFit has made in your life?
May Athlete of the Month- Front Liners
Medical Field "On the Front Lines"
Jessi Cox, MD Emergency Physician
What is your proudest CrossFit moment?
What made you decide to go into the healthcare field?
but also like being challenged and thinking outside the box to solve problems. I originally thought I wanted to be a trauma surgeon but when I shadowed one, I realized I loved everything until we left the ER hence my specialty is Emergency Medicine. One thing I think everyone should have is a primary care physician (PCP) because as I tell my patients, I am really good at emergencies but anything beyond that you need a PCP.