Tell us a little about yourself and family- Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.
I was born in St. Louis, Missouri. We have moved around a lot but ended up in Forest Grove about 6 years ago. My husband, Brad and I have 4 awesome kids. I am a stay at home mom but I prefer domestic engineer with minors in culinary art and psychology.
I love to shop, eat good food, spend time with friends and family and workout.

How did you hear about BCF and what made you want to join? How long have you been with BCF?
I met Alise a few years ago and we did a few workouts in her garage and she told me about BCF. I was intimidated so I waited a few months and then decided it was time. It will be 3 years December 11. I absolutely LOVE the community and all the things. I drank the kool-aid... best decision EVER.
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What are your goals? Personal, professional, and athletic?
Goals.... well I always have a personal goal to become better at setting goals and reaching them Athletic goal is a pull up within the next year
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What is your favorite movement? Non-favorite movement?
My favorite movement would be the power clean. Non favorite movement would be anything SNATCH related.
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What is 1 thing that people would be surprised to find out about you?
I have an identical twin sister. Who also loves CrossFit
What is your biggest motivation in life?
My biggest motivation in life is my kids. It sounds cliche but it’s true. I need to be better and do better for them so they know they can do hard things and be stronger because of it.