Tell us a little about yourself and family‐ Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.
I grew up in Gresham and then moved to SE Portland where I lived up until about 4 1⁄2 years ago when I
moved my boys and I to Vernonia to be with my boyfriend. My sons are ages 15 & 22 and are complete opposites of each other. I also have a wonderful step‐daughter who just turned 21 & step‐son who is 18. I am lucky enough to work from home as the commercial lines account manager for an insurance agency who I’ve been with for 25 years. One of my favorite places is the beach. I love going camping and spending time with my family.
How did you hear about BCF and what made you want to join?
Jennifer Kimmel. I did Crossfit years back before moving and really missed it.
What motivates you to come to the box week after week?
The people and how it makes me feel. Even though I’m tired and usually sore afterwards I always feel good.
What are your goals? Personal, professional, and/or athletic?
To continue to get stronger, more fit and more comfortable with some of the lifts. One of these days I would like to be able to do a handstand & then move to handstand push up. I can do wall walks but for some reason the handstand makes me so nervous.
What is your favorite lift, movement or WOD? Least Favorite?
Honestly I don’t know if I have a favorite. I do know I don’t like burpees.
What is your proudest CF moment?
Probably running the mile without stopping and my time not being too terrible. I’ve never been much of a runner so that felt good.
What is one tip you would give someone who is interested in CrossFit or new to CrossFit?
To try it. No matter what your fitness level anyone can do it.
Biggest impact CrossFit has made in your life?
My overall health and fitness. It’s amazing how it even helps with my mental health.