Tell us a little about yourself and family- Hobbies, interests, where you grew up, occupation, etc.
I love spending time with my family and friends! I have always loved sports and like to surf, skate, snowboard, mountain bike, play basketball and go fishing. I grew up in a small town in Mexico close to the beach. I currently work at Kramers Auto Body shop.
How did you hear about BCF and what made you want to join?
My friend Chris was a member here first and I was going to just a regular gym so then decided to come try it with him!
What motivates you to come to the box week after week?
My family and trying to be better myself. I always try to be better at my job, so I now try to do that for myself.
What are your goals? Personal, professional, and/or athletic?
Personal- Be stronger and faster then before.
Professional- Keep learning new things at work to always make me happy
What is your favorite lift, movement or WOD? Least Favorite?
Favorite: Bar Muscle UP
Least: GHD
Least: GHD
What is your proudest CF moment?
The time I did a ring muscle up!
Just give it a try! You won't regret it!
Biggest impact CrossFit has made in your life?
Better Health and over all better person
Free write: (anything else you want to mention or say)
I want to thank all my coaches and friends at the box for helping me on my CrossFit journey! Thank you everyone!