Everyday Warrior starts on Monday, and here’s what you need to know! We REACHED our GOAL of 70 athletes raising almost $4000 to help family’s in need! Thank you for all your support to this outstanding cause!! If you have not officially signed-up here’s the link to do so https://battleseries.everyday-warrior.org/
1. Week 1’s theme is “Throwback Everyday Warrior”. If you have throwback gear, join the fun and sport it! If you don’t, borrow one, wear your new shirt, or don’t stress!
2. Be ready to bring your photo game. All classes will be entered into a class group photo contest! Each week coaches will vote on the most creative class group photo! The winning class will win a prize! BUT you have a huge challenge in front of you...I don’t think coaches will ever forget, “The Last Supper with Jesus” so bring your A game!
Finally, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask!