"A Community that SWEATS Together, STAYS Together."

We want to provide a safe, encouraging, and positive environment for adults, kids, and athletes of all ages to learn, improve, and reach their health and fitness goals. Most importantly we want to be a place that people leave healthier and happier than when they walked in.

Friday, February 27th

And so it begins! Let's have some fun BCF!


12 minutes to find max box jump


5 min AMRAP:
5 Wall balls (20/14)
10 Medball sit-ups
*Rest 2 minutes
5 min AMRAP:
5 Meball sit-ups
10 Wall balls


15.1- Friday @ 6:00pm

9 min AMRAP
15 T2B
10 DL (115/75)
5 Snatch


from 9:01-15:00
Establish a 1 rep max Clean & Jerk

Thursday, February 26th

Pull up and ring row fun


Snatch Pulls
2 @ 80% of 1RM Snatch
2 @ 85%
2 @ 90%
2 @ 95%


Deadlift (225/155)
*12 minute time cap

Wednesday, February 25th

Mobility is our friend!


5-3-2-1-1 OHS

5x5 Weighted good morning (light)


400m run
10 Hang power clean (135/95)
10 Push press

Save the date! Final Open WOD and BBQ

Saturday, March 28th- Save the date!

The final WOD of the 2015 Crossfit Open (15.5) will be held on Saturday, March 28th and following there will be a BBQ for us all to enjoy!

Details will follow, but keep the date open for crossfit fun! 

Click to Register!

New links added to easily register for the Crossfit 2015 Open & Festivus Games!

Take a look on the left hand side of the blog!  There are two new gadgets added for you to easily register for the upcoming events!

Crossfit Open 2015 begins this week!  The first workout announcement is on Thursday and if you are competing- try to come to Friday's 6 pm class each week.  The final workout will be held on Saturday with a BBQ to follow. Fun for everyone!

Festivus Games is on April 18, 2015 and will be hosted at BCF.  Be sure to sign up and enjoy a competition that is meant for beginners and intermediate athletes.  It is great way to see and experience what a competition looks like, in the comfort of your own box!  

Tuesday, February 24th

6 minute abs. Ouch.


3x 2 minute max strict pull-ups (3sec down, 1sec up)


For time:
KB swing (70/53)
Ring dip

*Every 30 sec, 20 Mt climbers

Monday, February 23rd

It's Monday!! Get in here and own it!


Snatch Push Press (Behind neck) 5x3


EMOM Ladder: Burpee box jump 30/24/20" 

Who's birthday is it?? Our fabulous Megan's birthday!

We are so grateful to have you at BCF, Megan!  Your enthusiasm, knowledge, good humor and kind heart are hard to come by.  We all wish you a VERY happy birthday.

Friday, February 20th

Happy Friday BCF! 


8min EMOM 
2 Controlled Ball-ups on rings (5 Modified) 

*As controlled as much as you can make it


"Flashback Friday" WOD 

3/4 body-weight hang power clean ladder

For the ladder pattern, perform one rep the first minute, two reps the second minute, three reps the third minute, continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Thursday, February 19th

Mark Jr., Oscar & Paul working on snatches!


4x10 Front Rack Lunges 
4x Max Effort weighted push-ups w/ perfect form


12min AMRAP Teams of 3 
P1-Run 200m 
P2-Max Pullups
P3- Plate Hold (in front of body) 

RX: Men 45/35 
       Women 25/15

Wednesday, February 18th

BCF's Valentine's Day Parter WOD was a fun one!



Strength Ladder 
1 DL+1 Hang Clean+1 Front Squat+1 Jerk (One point given for each successful rep.) 

*If athlete finds a heavy set quickly, have them do 3-4 sets of the complex @ that weight, resting 2-3 mins. between sets.


Buy in: 12 Turkish Get Ups

Wall Balls 

Buy Out: 12 Turkish Get-ups 

A: 35/18#
S: 44/26#
C: 53/35#


Before I go into any details...WOW what an awesome turnout! We had over 30 athletes and amazing results. The New Years Challenge is all about starting new habits and starting the year off right. I know our athletes are ready and are well on their way to a healthier year! 

Here are some of the Results:

Time Shaved off  Helen
1st - Craig 3:09
2nd - Josh 2:38
3rd - Jessica 2:19
4th - Erin 2:03
5th - Scott 2:01
6th - Susan and Karissa 2:00

Over all Placement
2nd - Josh 234, 2:38
3rd - Erin 234, 2:03
4th - Scott 230, 2:01

Grand Prize Winners!!
235 points and 2:00 faster 
Congrats to Karissa and Susan!

Congratulation to everyone! As you can see it was a tough competition! Can't wait till next year:) 

Tuesday, February 17th

Friday night Helen visited BCF!


4 Rounds (not for time) 
Max effort Strict Pull-ups 
10 Pistol Squats (w/ perfect form) 

*Scale up with weight


"Last CrossFitter Standing" Ascending EMOM 
1KB Snatch (each arm) 
1 Burpee 

2 KB Snatches
2 Burpees 

3...3...4...4...etc for as long as you can. 

A: 44/26#
S: 53/35#
C: 70/44#

Monday, February 16th

Let's make it a strong week!!


10 min EMOM of:
2 Snatch Deadlifts
1 Power Snatch


5 rounds for time of:
400m run
1 rope climb
6 front squats

The 2015 CrossFit Open begins in less than 2 weeks!!!

Image result for crossfit open 2015

Is NOT a question!

The first Open workout is released on February 26th, less than 2 weeks away.  

-If you haven't experienced the open yet, sign up.
-If you have experienced the open, you know you're signing up.
-If you don't think you have enough experience...you do!  Sign up.

This is a great opportunity for our box to all come together and enjoy the joys of friendly competition.  You will gain so much from participating, including having your name listed with all of our favorite CrossFit athletes! PR's will be had. 

Cost is $20 per athlete.  Register at: 


Friday, February 13th

Tony makes them look easy...

Benchmark WOD on Friday the 13th!


6:00 Minute Abs

Done after WOD


3 Rounds
400 M Run
21 KB Swings (53/35)
12 Pull-Ups

Thursday, February 12th

It's back squat day!!



15:00 Minutes MU Work


Complete 50 B. Squats 
(135/115/95) (95/75/65)
( Every time you rest complete 15 sit ups )

Register for the 2015 Crossfit Games Open!

15 Days until the Crossfit Open begins! Register now!


Cost- $20.00

We do the workouts at BCF and our judged by our fellow athletes.  The Open consists of 1 workout per week, announced on Thursday evenings at 5 pm and your score must be submitted online by the following Monday at 5 pm.

You will be amazed at your increased performance in a competition atmosphere with the support of your friends.

We will be making this a fun event, so be sure not to miss out on it!

If you want the details on what the Open is and how it works, click the link above.

Wednesday, February 10th

300lb sled push?!  W.O.W.


1 RM 
OH Squat


5 rounds for time:
250m row
10 burpee-box jumps
4 MU

c - 30/24
s - 24/20
a - 20/16

New Years Challenge Dinner Celebration -Save the date!!

The New Year's Challenge finish line meeting begins at 6:00 pm at BCF with a Friday night WOD and dinner to follow!

Friday, February 13th at 7:45pm (for dinner)-  located at Blue Jays Restaurant.

They are going to set aside most of the restaurant for us as well as have some Paleo Special Options for those that are continuing on.

Note: Dinner isn't just for those that were in the challenge but rather an opportunity to come celebrate everyone's hard work with family and friends.

Tuesday, February 10th

BCF Teens


4 x Max Effort Ring Pull Ups (Flash Knuckles at bottom)

10:00 Minutes 
DU Work


3 Rounds of:
15 Box Jumps
10 HR Push Ups
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Body Weight DL

Monday, February 9th

We are so happy with our BCF teens- great job to all of you!!


OH Squat 3 -2-1 Tempo
4 x 5 *Form and Mobility is the focus for today.
5-10lbs Heavier then Last Week

GHD 4 x 10 (Really Concentrate on Controlled down and EXPLOSIVE return)
Sit Up
B. Ext. 


Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:
35-lb. dumbbell thrusters, 9 reps
15-foot rope climb, 1 ascent

Friday, February 6th

Awesome OH squats! Could it be the movement of the month?


CrossFit Total

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

*Score is combined weight moved but stress that all three movements have to be done with perfect form!!!!! Absolutely no ugly  PR's if you get my drift!


500 M Row for Time

Thursday, February 5th

Bethany with awesome OH squat form


Max Effort Heavy Sled Push
3 sets:
30 yd HEAVY sled push
*Last sled push should be the heaviest/max effort sled push


As Many Reps as possible in 5 Minutes

1 Jumping A. Squat
1 Ring DIp
1 Jumping Lunge

Wednesday, February 4th

Walking lunges, anyone??


Heavy Barbell Lunges
5 x 6

Barbell Row
4 x 8


Team Event (20 Minute Time Cap)
1. 350/275 Cal Row
2. 80 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20)
3. 70 DU
4. 60 B. Squat (185/135)
5. 50 C2B Pull Ups

Thank You CrossFit Fort Vancouver and the CFV Invitational

One athlete must be on rower at all times and changes are to be made at the rower. Athletes have to complet steps 2-5 in order but can break it up and switch as much as they want.

Tuesday, February 3rd

Strong women!


15 minutes to work on handstand walks or handstand holds.

RX-H. Walk on their own for max distance and record best attempt.
Scaled options:
Option A: Partner H. Walk
Option B: Partner Handstand hold (Record best time without assistance.
Option C: Wall Handstand hold with partner (Record best time without assistance.)
Option D: Max effort ring holds at top
Option E: 4 x 8 - 10 band presses


4 rounds for time of:
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)
30 DU'S

Monday, February 2nd

Julia killing those back squats!


OH Squat 
3 @ 65%
3 @ 70%
3 @ 75%
2 x 2 @ 80%


Tabata row
Rest 1 minute
Tabata squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata pull-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata sit-up

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for eight intervals.
Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Unit for the row is ""calories.""

Post Tabata score for each exercise to comments and total for final score.