"A Community that SWEATS Together, STAYS Together."

We want to provide a safe, encouraging, and positive environment for adults, kids, and athletes of all ages to learn, improve, and reach their health and fitness goals. Most importantly we want to be a place that people leave healthier and happier than when they walked in.

Wednesday, December 31st- Happy New Year's Eve!

Reminder that there is no 6:00 and 7:15 pm workouts tonight!  Happy New Year's and stay safe!


Ring Dip Ladder 

For the ladder pattern, perform one rep the first minute, two reps the second minute, three reps the third minute, continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed

* To be done after WOD If time allows


31 SDHP (75/55) - H
31 AB Mat Sit-ups - A
31 Pull-ups - P
31 Push Press - P
31 Why not do Burbees - Y

31 Knees to Elbows - N
310m Everybody Run/Row - E
31 Wallballs 20/14 - W

31 Why not do KB Swings (35/55) - Y
310m Everybody Run/Row - E
31 All do Box Jumps (24/20) - A
31 Jump Ropes (31 DU/93 singles) - R
31 Son of a Gun Back Rack Lunges S

Tuesday, December 30th

Caira showing her Hercules power! 


3 Jerks EMOM for 10 minutes at 75-80% of 1 RM


8 Minute AMRAP

6 Hang Power Snatches (135, 115, 95) (115, 95, 75)
6 Shoot Throughs

Reminder of Holiday Hours this week!!

Due to 2014 coming to an end and the thrill of a new year- 2015 we have a couple of adjustments to the schedule this week.

December 31st- No 6:00 & 7:30 pm classes

January 1st- ONE CLASS at 11:00 am- Come and start the new year right!

Regularly scheduled classes the rest of the week

Monday, December 29th

Holiday fun!


Front Squat
5 X 3 @ 80-85% of 1RM


5 Rounds for time of:

6 T2B
12 Air squats
18 Calorie Row

New Class... BCF Masters Class

BCF 3rd Annual New Years Challenge

Looking to make some changes... Let BCF CrossFit jump start your year with our New Member Package! A $140 gets you 30-days of CrossFit classes, 3 Element classes, and a New Years Challenge entry fee valued at $190! Plus the opportunity to win a prize basket worth over $250, cash prize, and most importantly a jump start to a healthy lifestyle!

For more details contact Trevor at 971.295.7511.

Friday, December 26th

Christmas Eve Crew!


12:00 Minute EMOM
2 Squat Snatches for Form
*Keep the weight light to medium focus on form and improving weaknesses


"Grace" (135/95)
30 Clean & Jerks for Time

Wednesday, December 24th

Merry Christmas!

Thank goodness we survived this workout...




The 12 Days of Christmas

1 Turkish Getup (70/53/44)(44/35/26)
3 Strict Pull Ups
4 Candlesticks
5 Burpees
6 Alt. DB Snatches
7 Wall Balls (25/20)(20/14)
8 Clapping Push Ups
9 Thrusters (115/95/85)(85/65/55)
10 Hang Cleans
11 OH Squats
12 Power Snatches

Tuesday, December 23rd


Barbell Row 4 x 8 Heavy But Controlled
4 x 12 Shoulder Taps



21 15 9
POWER CLEAN (155/135/95) (105/95/65)


Monday, December 22nd

Sat am mobility with our new trainer Megan!


2 @ 65%
2 @ 70%
2 @ 75%
2 x 2 @ 80%
2 @ 85%

Find a 3 RM Strict Press
4 x 3 @ 90%


Five Rounds
Run 400 M
15 Box Jumps
10 DL (275/225/185) (185/135/115)

Friday, December 19th


TABATA Hollow Hold
Rest 2 minutes
TABATA Superman Hold


3 minute AMRAP
Rest 2 minutes
Repeat 3 minute AMRAP


6 Pistols
12 Toes to Bars with Kip

Holiday Hours- Please read!!

BCF Holiday Schedule:

December 24th - 9 am WOD.  All other class times cancelled.

December 25th - CLOSED

December 31st - 6, 8, 9 am, 3:30 & 4:30 pm.  6:00 & 7:15 are cancelled.

January 1st - 11 am WOD.  All other class times are cancelled.

Thursday, December 18th

Bendable Sebastian.


F. Squat 5 RM
4 x 5 @ 90%

4 x Max Effort Strict Pull Ups
Tally Total Reps


3/4 body-weight hang power clean ladder

For the ladder pattern, perform one rep the first minute, two reps the second minute, three reps the third minute, continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Wednesday, December 17th

Caira at the Hercules competition.  Fantastic job, lady!


30 Shoulder Passes
Start with a wide grip and progressively move close
Hold bottom of Dip 1 minute (Band as Needed)
Hold Bridge Up 1 minute


10 Burpees Broad Jump
25 Hollow Rocks
10 Burpees Broad Jumps
25 Superman Rocks
10 Burpees Broad Jumps
*Score is Time Completed & Distance Traveled

Tuesday, December 16th


Sumo Dead Lift 4 x 5
4 x max effort Hanging L- hold...scale back with knees bent. Look for good Lat activation.
Score is total seconds held for flap four rounds.


Complete three rounds of 1 minute at each station. Rest 1 minute between rounds:

Wall-ball, (20/14)
KB Swings (53/35)
Box jump (24/20)
Push-press (95/65)
Bike or Row (Cal)

Score is Reps Completed

Monday, December 15th

Heavy DL's and KB Swings


Clean Complex
OTM for 12:00
1 Clean Grip DL/1 High Pull From Hang/1 Hang Squat Clean
Go Heavy As Form allows


3:00 Minute AMRAP 
1 LOB Sled Push (M-90 lbs F-45lbs)
1 LOB Farmers Carry (M-45's F-25's)

Thursday, December 18th - 6pm and 7:15pm Classes are Canceled

There will be no 6pm and 7:15pm classes on Thursday, December 18th. Please join us at the Christmas party at 6:30pm. See you there!

BCF Christmas Party - Thursday!

Here is the last part to our BCF Christmas Party... 

This is your WOD, you  have 4 days to find the ugliest sweater:) The winner will win a BCF T-shirt. Game on!

Thursday, December 18th at 6:30pm


White Elephant Gift Exchange: All ages are welcome! In an effort to make this affordable we would like to keep the cost around $10 per person. Anything is fair game but remember to keep it family friendly:)

Refreshments: Please bring a snack or desert to share. We will provide water but you're welcome to bring your own drinks or to share:)

Additional Items to Bring: Please bring chair(s). If you have tables and or extra chairs you are able to bring contact Bethany.

Please feel free to bring your entire family, even if they don't CrossFit!

Hope to see you all there!
The Exline's

An Awesome New Addition to The BCF TEAM!

Ally, Bethany and I have been waiting patiently for the right person to come along who we felt would not only make a great addition to our team but also be a good fit for our awesome BCF members. We are excited to announce that Megan Bailey will be joining the BCF team starting next week (well actually tomorrow morning if you want to be exact:). Megan will be shadowing and helping with classes next week as she works to get to know the BCF community. Below is a quick bio on Megan which is pretty impressive on its own, but what impressed us the most about Megan was her approach in our box. She has been coming to Saturday classes as an athlete on and off for the last couple of months and she never once came in trying to impress people with how much she knew, but if you watch her lift and train it speaks for itself. And as you many of will soon discover she is incredibly sweet, reserved, and helpful. She is also driven, and passionate about health, fitness, and CrossFit. Please take a little time to read below about Megan and lets make Megan feel at home as she begins to acclimate. 
Also if you didn't know it yet, Megan is Barb's daughter (One of Our BCF Members). And like Barb we expect Megan to become very well liked among BCF's members.

Growing up Megan was very active and always conscious of living a healthy lifestyle. She played multiple sports, focusing mostly on volleyball throughout high school.
After high school Megan got married, moved to San Diego, and started college (for Accounting) at a local community college. Shortly after, she took a break from school to reevaluate out what her career path would be. In the mean time she worked for a Chiropractor helping patients with hot/cold and stem therapy after their adjustments. This was her "ah-ha" moment.
After doing a lot of research, she came across the National Personal Training Institute in Portland, OR and signed up. This program covered all aspects of training such as anatomy, physiology, postural analysis, nutrition, and much more. After graduating in 2011, Megan interned at the school helping with the practical portion of class.
Once moving back to San Diego, Megan got her CrossFit level 1 in April of 2012. She was the assistant coach at CrossFit 760 in Carlsbad, CA. There, she was in charge of the Elements program, as well as coaching regular CrossFit classes. In the Elements program she broke down and taught the basic fundamental movements of CrossFit, preparing the CrossFit "newbies" for regular classes. Her greatest joy is to teach clients how to move as efficiently as possible, how to properly fuel their bodies, and to help them reach their goals in fitness and in life.
After relocating back to Oregon for the final time in August of 2013, Megan received her CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting certification. Megan is currently coaching at Lane 5 CrossFit in Eugene, OR and is very excited to be a part of the BCF CrossFit community!

See ya tomorrow!


Friday, December 12th

Clean? Who wants to do that?  Crossfitters!!!


4 x 8 Blocking Pullups...C=C2B or ButterFly S=Kip A=Kip Swing 
Each time you drop the object between feet, perform 10 Hollow Rocks
4 x 6 Australian Bar Pull (2 Sec Pause at Top)


Airdyne Sprints
6x 1:00 for max calories
Rest as needed

10 Minutes of Mobility Work on Your Own. Leave feeling loose and relaxed after a great week!

7:15 Class Canceled!

Sorry, we are still without power! Hopefully we will be back on for tomorrow at 6am:) Remember we have lots of WODS on the site that you can do at home, and the best part, you can cherry pick:) Stay safe and enjoy your night!

Still No Power!

6pm class cancled! We will check the gym at 6:30pm if there is still no power we will cancel the 7:15pm as well but we are hopeful:) Thanks for understanding!

Power is OUT!

We have no power! The 4:30 class is canceled! We will keep you updated on the 6pm and 7:15pm classes:)

Thursday, December 11th

Bethany making every second count!


B. Squat 5 RM
4 x 5 @ 90%

Strict Press 3 RM
4 x 3 @ 90%


AMRAP in 6:00
2-4-6-2-4-6-2-4-6, etc repetitions of:
Pullup (C-C2B, S-Regular, A-Scale as needed)

Finisher- 50 Candlesticks not for time

Wednesday, December 10th

Focus and determination from Mark


4 Rounds not for Time:

10 Toes to Bar from L Hangs  
10 Ring Push Ups  
10 Superman Rocks


2 Rounds
40 Kettlebell Swings (53/44/35)
30 Med Ball KTC
10 Handstand Pushups (scale as needed)
5 Deadlifts @80% of 1RM
400m Run

Tuesday, December 9th

Every day!


OTM X 10
1 PC + 1 HSC + 1 Jerk


3 Rounds
20 Front Squat
20 GHD Sit Ups
20 push ups

C - 155 / 105
S - 135 / 95
A - 115 / 75

Game Plan partners with BCF Crossfit!

Game plan and BCF CrossFit have partnered to provide quality discounted nutritional supplements to our athletes!

Do you use nutritional supplements currently such as recovery drinks, protein shakes, amino acids, etc.? Or have you thought it might be something you'd want to try?

BCF has been looking for a company that provides high quality nutritional supplements and has chosen Game Plan as a great option for our athletes.

On the left side of our blog, there is a box that has a Game Plan logo, click it and you will be redirected to a page for BCF athletes where you can get a 10% discount on the Game Plan products.

Check out the options available and ask Trevor, Bethany and/or Ally for advice on what they would suggest for you specifically.



Monday, December 8th

Future Crossfitter! 


Split Jerk

Find a heavy 5 and keep that weight for both sets, then find a heavy 3 and keep for all 3 sets, then heavy 1 keep for both sets.Make sure your reps are heavy before you count them.


50 DU (singles triple)
12 T2B
12 Pistol Squats (6 each leg)
40 DU
12 T2B
12 Pistol Squats
30 DU
12 T2B
12 Pistol Squats
20 DU
12 T2B
12 Pistol Squats
10 DU

Congratulations Alicia!!!

Our very own Alicia Eileen has completed her clinical's!!!

Congratulations are definitely in order!!! Kathy brought her a lovely gift in celebration!  We are proud and so very excited for you! Great job, lady!!

Friday, December 5th

Trevor showing the rower who's boss!


25 Leg Circles Each Direction
Accumulate 3 Minutes in Plance Postion
*Each Time Athlete Breaks 10 Superman Rocks


4 Rounds Barbell Complex - 6 Reps of Each 

Rest 2:00 minutes between rounds

Bent Over Row
Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Up

Progressively load the bar after each round. Score is total weight moved after all four rounds. If athlete has to set bar down before push ups that round is scratched from score.
Example If I did 95/105/115/135 my score would be 450

This SATURDAY- Wishing on a WOD @ Beaverton Crossfit

REMINDER:  December 6th, 2014! Wishing on a WOD at Beaverton Crossfit

You don't have to attend to support this event!! You can pledge a flat amount or a per round donation- Cason Vandehey is doing this event if want someone to pledge towards.  OR you can attend the event, or participate yourself!  There are still printed pledge forms at the box, you have time to get some pledges and join in on the fun.  Below are details from the original post.

BCF is supporting the Wishing On A WOD event that Beaverton Crossfit is hosting on December 6th, 2014 that helps children who are battling life threatening diseases on a daily basis in our community.

The event is set up like a jog-a-thon… every participant gets a pledge form ahead of time and gets friends and family to sponsor them per round completed. This can be a per round donation or a flat amount.  Every little bit counts!  Then after the event they collect the money and Beaverton Crossfit will send it all in to the Make-a-Wish Foundation of Oregon.

• The WOD – 20 min AMRAP for kids, 30 min AMRAP for adults

o 15 air squats
o 10 sit ups
o 5 push ups

• WOD times are 8, 9 & 10 am.

• All donations are tax deductible


Thursday, December 4th

Warm up from Saturday- Good group!


1 RM Front Squat


Complete 6 rounds:

1/2 Gasser = 106 YDS (53 Down & 53 Back)

Rest 90 seconds between efforts.

Wednesday, December 3rd

Puppy cuteness Wednesday!


OTM for 20:00
Odd=Rope Climb
Even=2 Squat Snatch @ 85-80% 1RM

C- 1 Legless
S- 2 Regular
A- 1 Regular


Max Effort in 1 Minute (reps):

Push Ups
Sit Ups
Shoot Throughs

Tuesday, December 2nd

Who didn't love medicine ball push ups?! A new favorite!


Back Squat
Every :30 for 12 rounds (6:00)
1 Back Squat @ 75-80% 1RM
(Concentrate on moving the bar quickly.)


12:00 Minute AMRAP
200 M Run
2 DL @ 65% of 1 RM
(1) Two Foot Hurdle Jump Section
2 KB Thrusters (70/53/44) (44/35/26)

Monday, December 1st

Crystal's first C2B pull up!!! Way to go!


Front Rack Lunges 4 x 8 
Hand Stand Walk Practice (3 Attempts Per Set)
Hand Stand Wall Balance & Floor Shrugs


4 Rounds of: 

30 seconds on, 30 seconds off
Hang Clean (155/135/115) (115/95/75)
Cal Row
Ring Rows 

Score = total reps and cal

Christmas Party Details

Our Christmas party will be on Thursday, December 18th at 6:30pm

Here are the details:

White Elephant Gift Exchange: All ages are welcome! In an effort to make this affordable we would like to keep the cost around $10 per person. Anything is fair game but remember to keep it family friendly:)

Refreshments: Please bring a snack or desert to share. We will provide water but you're welcome to bring your own drinks or to share:)
Additional Items to Bring: Please bring chair(s). If you have tables and or extra chairs you are able to bring contact Bethany.

Please feel free to bring your entire family, even if they don't CrossFit!

Hope to see you all there!
The Exline's