"A Community that SWEATS Together, STAYS Together."

We want to provide a safe, encouraging, and positive environment for adults, kids, and athletes of all ages to learn, improve, and reach their health and fitness goals. Most importantly we want to be a place that people leave healthier and happier than when they walked in.

Tuesday, September 30th

8am crew getting their CrossFit fix  :)


3 x 15 Knee Squats
3 x 45 Second Jumping Lunges
3 x Max Effort Ring Rows


For Time:
300 M Row
D.L. (315,275,225) (225, 185, 135)
S. Arm KB Push Press (70, 53, 44) (44, 35, 26)
.25 Bike

Monday, September 29th

Nothing like snuggling with a barbell with a foam roller pillow! :)


EMOM for 8 minutes
1 squat clean @ 85% of 1RM


10 min AMRAP:

30 Double Unders
30 Wall Balls (25/20/16) (16/14/12)
30 Ab mat Sit Ups

Friday, September 26th

Jennifer Hilgers is heading back to Oregon State- you will be missed!!!  We're already looking forward to school breaks and summer to see you again!


4 x10 Single Leg Kettle Bell Raises
4 x 20 One arm Kettlbell Raises


(2) 3:00 Minute AMRAPS - Rest 2:00 Between AMRAP
Snatch Progression

3 Snatch Grip DL
2 Hang Snatches
1 Squat Snatch

Thursday, September 25th

Morning class being bright eye'd and bushy tailed!


Find a 3RM Back Squat
4x2 @ 90% of 3RM


Complete 2 rounds:

Sprint 100 yards
Rest 30 seconds
Sprint 80 yards
Rest 30 seconds
Sprint 60 yards
Rest 30 seconds
Sprint 40 yards

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

Wednesday, September 24th

4:30 Class doing some box jumps :)




3 Rounds
Each round consists of 3 cycles of the following:

2 Front Squats – 80% of 1 RM
15 Balls Slams – 20/15 lbs
1 Rope Climb – 15 feet

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

To Prove That I Am Still Alive...An Article For You To Ponder On!

I see them all around the gym when the workout has been announced. Intimidated faces, shoulders slouch and eyes hit the floor. Faces that say, “uh oh, this is going to suck”. Or, “I’m horrible at that movement, I’m going to bomb this one.” Or just “F.”

Of course it’s going to suck. They all suck. Name one truly I-just-floated-through-it-like-a-butterfly-in-the-garden easy workout. You can’t. And if you could, everyone is just going to point at you and scream, “sandbagger.”

Ok, so you already know before you even hear the workout that it’s going to suck. You know that there is a good chance that one of your goats is going to be in it. Instead of saying “FML”, you’ve got to say “Screw It” and get your WOD face on.

A WOD face hates intimidation like Elliot Ness hated crime, like everyone hates the rain around April. A WOD face sneers at hardship like that pale blond arrogant snake kid sneered at Harry Potter, like Lennon sneers in “Working Class Hero”. Like…well, you get the picture. Nothing intimidates a WOD face.

Calm yourself, set your face, still your heart. Get that WOD face on. Just by coming into the gym today, you’ve already won. Just by doing the workout, you’re killing it. Just by pushing yourself a little bit, just a tiny bit more than you thought you could, you’ve gotten stronger. You’ve gotten better, you’ve gained. And over the course of a month, a year, 5 years, a lifetime, those little bits of stronger, of better, add up hugely. It doesn’t matter if you ‘bombed’ it, because there is no such thing, there is only a big check mark in the ‘W’ column.

In order to help get your WOD face going, I’ve included some handy examples from the real world. I hope they help you with your WOD face and attitude.

Cute Cuddly Wolverine Pre-Wod Announcement

Wolverine With It's WOD Face On

Sweet little Tasmanian Devil on its way to the gym wearing its favorite sweater 
(or maybe it’s just St Patrick’s Day).

The same Tasmanian Devil about to get after its WOD.

You Guys Get The Drift!!

By Trevor Exline and SamRad

Tuesday, September 23rd

Good parenting at work!!!  Watching her love and lifting. :)


4 x 4 OH Squat
3 sets of 40 Sec. 3 Point Plank (10 Seconds on each limb)


5 Rounds
5 "Curtis P's" (115,95,85) (85/65/55)
15 KB Swings (70/55/44)
15 Sit Ups
15 Mountain Climbers

Monday, September 22nd

Sydney doing some tempo squats! Nicely done!


5-1 DL
1-5 MU


20 SDHP (135/115/95)
20 Deck Squats
100 DU
25 Medicine Ball Down Ups (25/20) (20/14)
50 DU
10 Deck Squats
15 Med Ball Down Ups

*Every time athlete rests or misses a rep there is a one burpee penalty for modified athletes and 1 TGU for RX athletes to be assessed at the end of the WOD before time is recorded.


Due to the fire at Scoggins Creek Fire near Hagg Lake- the Epic Grind has been cancelled this weekend. :(


This is the post on the website: 

Epic Grind Cancelled Due to Hagg Lake Fire

We are dismayed to announce that our beloved Epic Grind has been cancelled this year because of the forest fire at Hagg Lake. Our state governor has already declared a state of emergency. At this point the lake is closed for the entire week, which means no obstacles are allowed to be set up and no one is allowed to enter the premises. Within this coming week please look for additional communications from us with more news. Refunds are coming and more info will follow. Our deepest regrets and sincere apology to each of you, but our thoughts are with the families affected by the fire and the brave firefighters and personnel working to contain it.

Friday, September 19th

Mark and Sydney cheering mom on during weighted push ups!


No Strength...Mobility or Core Work to be done after WOD if time. Trainers Call



Each minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes of:

5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats

Thursday, September 18th

Hard work happening here!


Box Squats
4 x 3


5 Rounds:
8 DL 225/185/135
30 YD Sled Push

Run in Heats...Should be a fast WOD!

Cool Down... 21-15-9 GHD Sit Ups

Don't forget about the Epic Grind!!! Saturday, September 27th

We would love to have a big group of our BCF friends enjoy a day getting dirty, laughing and cheering each other on!  Warning: there could be some running involved!! :)  Please see instructions below for how to sign up for our team and get a discount.

1. Go to www.epic-grind.com
2. Click the green register now button
3. Click the orange register button
4. Select the 5k $70 button, fill in your age and name followed by the orange Get me Registered button
5. Fill out all of your information
6. Select the Saturday @ 12:30 time slot
7. Fill in or select from the drop down team name: Scrambled Legs
8. Enter the BCF discount code: EpicBCF
9. Enter your payment information
10. Click the Proceed to Confirmation button
11. Review your information and Confirm registration

After we all register under the 12:30 time slot, we will be moved to an earlier heat all together.  The cost for registration with our discount is $65.55

Side note: Anyone that is interested can also do the 10k option!  Instructions would be the same, except for the team details.  

Wednesday, September 17th

Snatches and running = FUN!


**Done After WOD

3 x

Hand Stand Push Ups – max reps
Supine Ring Rows – max reps

*There is no time component, max reps


"Main Site WED."

2 rounds for time of:
30-inch box jumps, 20 reps
5 muscle-ups
24-inch box jumps, 30 reps
5 muscle-ups
20-inch box jumps, 40 reps
5 muscle-ups

Tuesday, September 16th

Running so fast they are blurry! :)


1 RM Squat Clean Thruster


Power Cleans (155/135/115) (105/95/65)

After couplet finish with an 800 M Sprint

Your time is the couplet and the 800 M run

Reminder: 1 week until the BOD Pod returns to BCF!

September 22 & 23rd

The Bod Pod will make it's way back to BCF!   This is a machine that calculates your body composition (Muscle Mass & Body Fat percentages).  If you haven't done it before, this is your opportunity to get a starting point to set goals for yourself, not only for weight loss but muscle gain as well.   If you haven't already paid, it is $25.

For those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about, the Bod Pod is one of the most scientifically accurate methods to test your body composition (Muscle Mass & Body Fat percentages). It is used by athletes, scientists, doctors, and the military around the world. The margin of error for these machines are less then 2% where as a majority of the other methods our there (pinch test, scales, tape, etc) vary anywhere between 8% & 20%. If you truly want to be able to track your results this is the way to go. If you have any questions or to get signed up, please contact us or chat with us after class.

Monday, September 15th


3 x 5 Back Squat @ 5 LBs Heavier then Last Weeks 
1x4 @ 85%
3x5 Bent Row (Find a Heavy)


Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes:

135 lbs Front Squat – 5 reps
Dymanic Push Ups – 10 reps

Rest 5 minutes…

Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes:

135 lbs Back Squat – 5 reps
Pull Ups – 5 reps

Friday, September 12th

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...


8 Minute EMOM
2 BW DL (C=1.5 BW)
Remainder of Minute Alternate Between
Side Plank Holds (R/L)
Hollow Hold


AMRAP in 15:00
200m Run
1:00 rest between rounds

Thursday, September 11th

She's got hops!!! 


Find a 3 RM Back Squat
2 x 3 @ 90% of 3 RM
1 x 4 @ 85%
1 x 5 @ 80%


5 Rounds:
5 Ball-ups or 30 Ab Mat Sit-ups

50 Walking  Lunges

5 Rounds:
5 C2B Pull-ups
5 Push-up

50 Lunges

Wednesday, September 10th

All this fun with burpee box jumps!!!


5 rounds:
5 seated box jumps
30 second L-sit


10 Rounds:
16 Mountain Climbers
8 Ring Rows
10 Wall Balls

Tuesday, September 9th


Find your 5 RM Strict Press (record this)
then 2x5 @ 90%
add a little weight and then 2x5 Push Press
add a little weight and then 2x5 Jerk


8 min ascending ladder:
2 snatches (95/65)
1 cone run
4 snatches
2 cone run
6 snatches
3 cone run

Registration Instructions for Epic Grind- Saturday September 27th

 What could be a better way to spend a Saturday morning then with our BCF CrossFit family!  Let's jump, climb, dive, run and get dirty together in collaboration and friendly competition!  BCF has coordinated with the Epic Grind to register a group for the 5k obstacle race.   If you'd like to participate the registration instructions are below.

1. Go to www.epic-grind.com
2. Click the green register now button
3. Click the orange register button
4. Select the 5k $70 button, fill in your age and name followed by the orange Get me Registered button
5. Fill out all of your information
6. Select the Saturday @ 12:30 time slot
7. Fill in or select from the drop down team name: Scrambled Legs
8. Enter the BCF discount code: EpicBCF
9. Enter your payment information
10. Click the Proceed to Confirmation button
11. Review your information and Confirm registration

After we all register under the 12:30 time slot, we will be moved to an earlier heat all together.  The cost for registration with our discount is $65.55

Side note: Anyone that is interested can also do the 10k option!  Instructions would be the same, except for the team details.  

Monday, September 8th


3 rounds w/ 1 min rest
5 clean and jerks (touch and go)

Men (165/135/115)
Women (115/95/65)


Partner WOD:
20 min AMRAP
While partner 1 runs 200m with an odd object (plate, med ball, kb, dumbbell)...
Partner 2 chips away at:
7 Ring Dips
12 Burpee box jump overs
14 KB swings

When partner 1 comes back from run, they begin where Partner 2 left off.

Male Rx
C: 30", 70
S: 24", 53
A: 24", 44

Female Rx
C: 24", 53
S: 20", 35
A: 20", 26

Friday, September 5th

7:15 Class Rx'ing

With a cheerleader!


6:00 EMOM MU Ladder (Minute 1 - 1 rep)
(Minute 2 = 2 rep)
Scaled athletes do a 5:00 EMOM Ladder starting
with 2 ring dips and 2 ring rows going up by 2's.


For Time
Death by KB:

30 KB Swings
30 OH Walking Lunges
20 Sit Ups
20 Snatches
10 Thrusters
10 Goblet Squats


Thursday, September 4th

Happy to have you back Evelyn!!!


1 RM Snatch


Count Your Calorie Partner Day

*While partner 1 rows their first Cal. partner 2 is in the plank or hollow hold position. Once partner 1 finishes they switch back and forth until both partners have completed the calorie cycle.


Calorie Row

Bod Pod will be back! Sept 22 & 23rd

We are having the Bod Pod out for two days this month (September 22 & 23rd). We had it about three months ago and this will be the perfect time to retest and see you hard work come through in #'s.  If you haven't done it before, this is your opportunity to get a starting point to set goals for yourself.  If you haven't already paid, it is $25. 

For those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about, the Bod Pod is one of the most scientifically accurate methods to test your body composition (Muscle Mass & Body Fat percentages). It is used by athletes, scientists, doctors, and the military around the world. The margin of error for these machines are less then 2% where as a majority of the other methods our there (pinch test, scales, tape, etc) vary anywhere between 8% & 20%. If you truly want to be able to track your results this is the way to go. If you have any questions or to get signed up, please contact us or chat with us after class.

Wednesday, September 3rd


Back Squat
Find a heavy double for the day


4 minute AMRAP:
5 Clean & Jerk  (185/155/125) (135/105/85)
20 Double Under's

Rest 2 minutes

4 minute AMRAP:
5 C+J (155/125/95) (105/85/65)
20 DU

Tuesday, September 2nd


Max effort strict pull ups


(3) 3 minute EMOMs (2 min rest between each EMOM)

(1) unbroken Body Weight Dead Lift followed by 100 meter run


(2) unbroken 3/4 BW Front Squats followed by 100 m run


(3) unbroken 1/2 BW Hang Cleans followed by 100 m run

Cool down- 60 shotguns 

Reminder! New fall schedule starts today!

Don't forget!  Our new fall schedule begins today.

To find the hours please see: