"A Community that SWEATS Together, STAYS Together."

We want to provide a safe, encouraging, and positive environment for adults, kids, and athletes of all ages to learn, improve, and reach their health and fitness goals. Most importantly we want to be a place that people leave healthier and happier than when they walked in.

Thursday, April 30th

Look at those Ring L-Sit's!


2x2 @ 80%  
2x2 @ 85%  
2x1 @ 90%  
1x1 @ 95%


9 min AMRAP of: 

1 Legless Rope Climb  
12 Ab Mat Sit ups 
20 Rockets (24"/20")

Everyday Warrior tanks & t-shirts available for order!

Cindy Luong Archibald is a friend of our beloved Barb and she is a  featured Everyday Warrior as she is battling lung cancer.  Her husband camp up with a t-shirt design to help make money for Everyday Warrior.

There are tanks and t-shirts available - you will see samples hanging up at BCF.

$25.00 and all proceeds go to Everyday Warrior.

If you would like one, please leave a note with your request including: Tank or Tee, size and a check. Barb will take care of the rest!

This is a wonderful way to support a cause we can all appreciate- unfortunately, so many of us have been touched by cancer in some way.

Wednesday, April 29th


Handstand hold/walk practice 

Post WOD: 1/2 Tabata Hollow Hold


16min AMRAP 
8 Clusters (135/95) 
10 Over-the-bar burpees
400m Run

Tuesday, April 28th

FitFam support at the Festivus Games


5x3 B. Squat @ 90% 3RM
Accumulate 90 second L-sit on rings


Cleans (135/95)
Ring Dips

Monday, April 27th


5x2 push or split jerks


4 Rounds For Time 
12 Weighted Pistols (6 ea.)
10 C2B Pull-ups 
800m Run

Friday, April 24th

Stronger shoulders? Yes, please!


Single Arm KB Strict Press 4 x 8 (each arm) 
5 x 5 Strict Pull Up & 3 Sec Slow Return


8:00 AMRAP
15 Wall Balls (25/20/16) (20/14/12)
 5 DL (315/275/225) (225/185/135)

Thursday, April 23rd

We love lifting heavy!


B. Squat

DB Bench Press 
4 x 8 

Accumulate 3 Min. Hollow Hold


Partner WOD
Partner Row 2000 M
Partner 1 is Rowing 
Partner 2 OH Farmers Walk (45/25)

*As soon as plate breaks the OH Position athletes must switch positions...score is time to complete 2000 M rowed as a team

Wednesday, April 22nd


30 T2B from L Hang Position
30 L Hang Pull Ups

*Can Be Broken Up However They Please
Please make sure you have some scaled options thought up ahead of time and are movements that challenge our non rx athletes because these are going to put a hurt on athletes that are doing rx and its going to take them some time to complete or have some extra work prepared for the non-rx athletes:)


10 Rounds

5 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95)

Tuesday, April 21st

Ring Rows create Pull Up strength!


Hang Snatch EMOM
10 Min EMOM
1 Second Position (Hang) Squat Snatch @ 70-75% 1 RM Snatch


10-8-6-4-2 Burpees
2-4-6-8-10 OHS (135/105/75) (105/85/55)

Finisher - 100 Sit Ups For Time

CrossFit Games Regionals! May 29-31 in Tacoma, Washington

CrossFit Games Regionals!  May 29-31 in Tacoma, Washington

To anyone that may be interested, we are going up to watch the CrossFit Games Regionals  in Tacoma the weekend of May 29-31.  If you are interested in going, let our trainers know! It would be great to have a big group go up and enjoy the weekend of competition watching the best go at it in our Region.  Hotel rooms will probably fill up fast so don't wait too long to book!

Below is the link to purchase tickets for the event. You can do a per day pass or the whole weekend pass.

Click here for link to ticket sales

We hope to see you there!

Monday, April 20th

Athlete of the Day: Erin Wallner
Age: 38
When did you begin CrossFit? Nov 2014
What class time do you typically attend? 6pm

What is your favorite movement? Kettle Bell Swing
What is your favorite lady or hero WOD? Helen
What movement do you dread? Burpee
What is your dreaded lady or hero WOD? Isabel
What is your most recent CrossFit accomplishment? 175# Deadlift (2 months)
What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit WOD? I can't believe I just did that...can't wait until tomorrow!!!
What do you do when you aren't at CrossFit? Credit Union Manager/Mother of 3
What would your perfect WOD look like? 500m ROW, 20 KBS, 30 Situps, 10 Ring Rows (3 rounds)
What are your goals? Lose weight, gain health/energy
What motivates you during a WOD? competition
What is one thing you have done at CrossFit that you never thought you would do? All of it!!!
If you could torture one trainer, who and why? None. :)
What is something about yourself that we might not know? 15 year old son Chance, 14 year old daughter Maddy, 7 year old son Johnny. 
Do you have a funny CrossFit story? 2nd day of CrossFit they made me participate in everyday warrior...I had to laugh at myself attempting 50 burpees, but I made it and came back!


10 Minutes to build to a Perfect 2 RM DL then 
10:00 EMOM DL 1 Rep @ 2RM


Thrusters (135/95) 
C2B Pull Ups

Immediately Followed by 500 M Row
* Score is total time to complete both WODs

Bigger classes will have to be staggered

Friday, April 17th

First T2B...and with a brace?! Great job!!


5x5 DB Floor Press


EMOM ladder:
Pistol (alternating)

Thursday, April 16th

Awesome jumps!!!


7x3 Sumo Deadlift


For time:
30 Snatches (135/95#)

*12min time cap

Come support your BCF FitFam this Saturday!

Saturday is the Festivus Games and about 40 BCF athletes are competing over at CrossFit Cimmeria.  Please come cheer them on and enjoy the competitive experience!  Start time  is 9 am.

Please note: there will be no class this Saturday!

Wednesday, April 15th

Athlete of the Day: Mark Gregg
Age: 45
When did you begin CrossFit? Nov 2012
What class time do you typically attend? Varies

What is your favorite movement? Rope Climb or Pull Up
What is your favorite lady or hero WOD? Helen
What movement do you dread? Snatch
What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit WOD? OUCH
What do you do when you aren't at CrossFit? Fire Dept Lieutenant
What are your goals? Keep fit for work and getting older
What motivates you during a WOD? Music & Finishing
What is one thing you have done at CrossFit that you never thought you would do? Hand Stand Push Ups
If you could torture one trainer, who and why? None, they're all too cool!


5x3 Strict false grip pull-up on high rings
5x5 MU transitions on low rings


400m Run
1 Rope Climb
30 Box jump overs (24/20"")
20 Candlesticks

*15min time cap

Tuesday, April 14th

Bobbie got her first Rx pull ups in a lady WOD! High fives!!


5x5 Push Press


10min AMRAP:
50 DU
10 Hang squat cleans
200m Sprint

Monday, April 13th

Athlete of the Day: Sydney Gregg
Age: 14
When did you begin CrossFit? Nov 2012
What class time do you typically attend? 4 pm

What is your favorite movement? Power Clean
What is your favorite lady or hero WOD? Annie
What movement do you dread? anything overhead
What is your dreaded lady or hero WOD? Angie
What is your most recent CrossFit accomplishment? 1st Rope Climb! :)
What are your goals? A handstand push up
What motivates you during a WOD? The blasting music!
What is one thing you have done at CrossFit that you never thought you would do? MURPH!


5x3 BS
2x10 Goodmorning
2x10 Lateral Lunges


5 RFT:
15 KBS (53/35#)
10 Burpees

Important Festivus Update - Please Read

Hello Everyone,

First off, we are thrilled to be a part of the Festivus Games and excited to see each of you in action!

Now for the big news...As some of you may or may not know CrossFit Cimmeria in Gresham is hosting a Festivus event on the 18th as well. In an effort to provide all the athletes from both locations the best experience possible, we have decided to combine our Festivus events. The teams at CrossFit Cimmeria and BCF CrossFit are thrilled to be offering this to all the athletes and we believe it's going to create a phenomenal atmosphere for everyone. With that said, one of the event locations has to be moved so we decided that this year we will be traveling to CrossFit Cimmeria (Gresham) and next year they will be traveling to us.

Outside of the location, nothing else will change. Check-in will begin at 8:00am with the event starting at 9:00am!

We will be encouraging athletes from BCF CrossFit to meet at our box at 7:15am and we will carpool over as a team. All of our trainers will be there as coaches and helping with the event. We will be providing judges as well. Outside of more athletes and the location nothing else will be changing. Any athletes that aren't part of BCF are more then welcome to travel with us or meet us at the new event location. From our box, we are expecting a 30-45 minute commute. If for some reason this just will not work for you, please contact us.

Any questions concerning this event will still go through myself or our BCF Staff.

Super Excited To See All Of You Compete!



New Combined Festivus Location -

CrossFit Cimmeria
2425 NW Birdsdale Ave
Gresham, OR

Friday, April 10th

Athlete of the Day: Mark Gregg Jr.
Age: 17
When did you begin CrossFit? Fall 2012
What class time do you typically attend? 4:00 pm

What is your favorite movement? HSPU or Rope Climbs
What is your favorite lady or hero WOD? Murph
What movement do you dread? Snatch
What is your dreaded lady or hero WOD? Helen
What is your most recent CrossFit accomplishment? HSPU & T2B
What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit WOD? THAT SUCKED!!!
What do you do when you aren't at CrossFit? Work at Jim's, play xbox, play basketball on my hoop.
What would your perfect WOD look like? 5 rounds: 1 rope climb, 10 HSPU's, 15 Deadlifts
What are your goals? First CrossFit Competition
What motivates you during a WOD? Getting stronger everyday
What is one thing you have done at CrossFit that you never thought you would do? Go Rx
If you could torture one trainer of choice, which one and why? None, they are all really cool
What is something about yourself that we might not know? Never liked pop
Do you have a funny CrossFit story? I was doing a push jerk and then I hut my chin.  I touched it and found blood, so I showed my dad and Ally.  They they both said "ewwww". All I can say is that I'm the first one to get stitches at the gym. 


Max weight for 10 Front squats 
then 2x10 @ that weight


For Time:
Double Unders 
T2B *12min Time Cap

(If there is time left in class: Miscellaneous gymnastic work)

Thursday, April 9th

Athlete of the Day: Barb Stuart
Age: 51
When did you begin CrossFit? Nov 2012
What class time do you typically attend? 9:00 am or 5:00 pm usually

What is your favorite movement? Back squat/Overhead squat
What movement do you dread? Wall balls/Thrusters
What is your most recent CrossFit accomplishment? 95# Clean and Jerk
What were  your thoughts after your first CrossFit WOD? Wow I'm out of shape
What do you do when you aren't at CrossFit? I'm a orthodontic assistant, I like to garden, read and come to CrossFit
What are your goals? I would love to do a pull up
What motivates you during a WOD? Coaches/other athletes
What is the one thing you have done at CrossFit that you never thought you would do? Pretty much everything
What is something about yourself we might not know? I'm afraid of heights.


Find 3RM Deadlift (with perfect form!) 
then 2x3 @ 90% of 3RM


Partner WOD- 15min AMRAP 
30 yard tire flip (alternating) 
10 Burpees (together) 
20 Wall ball shots (alternating) 

*Every 3 minutes, partner must complete a 20 yard Med Ball drag (alternating)

Wednesday, April 8th

Athlete of the Day: Nick Turner
Age: 23
When did you begin CrossFit? July 2012
What class time do you typically attend? 9 am

What is your favorite movement? Squat cleans
What movement do you dread? Deadlift, Thrusters
What is your dreaded lady or hero WOD? They all suck in their own way.
What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit WOD? I was too tired to have any thoughts.
What would our perfect WOD look like? All body weight movements.


15-20mins of Muscle-Up work 
A: 5x5 Low Rings Rows (Pull to chest) & Ring Dips 
B: 5x3 Ring Pull-ups and transition 
C: 5x3 Negative MU's


1,000m Row 
50 Thrusters (45/25)
30 Pull-ups

Tuesday, April 7th

Athlete of the Day: Karissa Banister
Age: 32
When did you begin CrossFit? April 2014
What class time do you typically attend? I prefer the night because they are a fun bunch.

What is your favorite movement? Deadlifts & HSPU's
What is your favorite lady or hero WOD? Helen
What movement do you dread? Everyone knows I suck at Double Unders
What is your dreaded lady or hero WOD? Karen (Yuck)
What is your most recent CrossFit accomplishment? Feeling like I have good form and going heavier. I <3 Lifting!
What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit WOD? Holy Hell I'm out of flipping shape.
What do you do when you aren't at CrossFit? I love going out with friends, love my 5 kids and of course hubby time and vacationing. 
What would your favorite WOD look like? Heavy yet short. I love any WOD under 8 minutes.
What are your goals? To be inspiring to others and to be freaking buff DUH!
What motivates you during a WOD? My heart because I want to be awesome so bad.
What is one thing you have done at CrossFit that you never thought you would do? I never thought I'd love working out so much. My parents owned a gym growing up but I never thought it was fun.
If you could torture one trainer, who and why? Trevor of course.  I 'd love to yell at him and say "Don't you dare drop that weight damn it!".
What is something about yourself that we might not know? I am a people person. I love being silly and goofy.  Who I am is 100% real, nothing is really hidden.
Do you have a funny CrossFit story? Oh boy, I have many from accidentally farting on Susan, peeing my pants while jumping rope and swearing more than I ever have in my life, oh and I can't forget the loud grunting.  Holy wow I'm a crossfit mess but I <3 it and love BCF and all of you. 


4x4 full LOB sprints 

*Rest 3 minutes between sets


5 Rounds of: 
6 Power Cleans (135/115) (95/65)
8 Med Ball Sit-ups (20/14) 
6 OH Squats 
8 Med Ball Sit-ups

Monday, April 6th

Athlete of the Day: Tony Cameron
Age: 42
When did you begin CrossFit? June 2014
What class time do you typically attend? 5:00 pm

What is your favorite movement? Power Clean
What is your favorite lady or hero WOD? Helen
What movement do you dread? Overhead Squat
What is your most recent CrossFit accomplishment? 35 DU's unbroken
What would your perfect WOD look like? Run, DL, Rope Climb
What is something about yourself that we might not know? I toured in Japan playing for Pro Soccer Team.


Deficit DL's 


10min. AMRAP 
20 Double Unders (2x singles) 
*Everytime athelete breaks during a movement, they must complete a 50yard sprint. If athlete is unable to run, they will do 5 burpees instead.

Friday, April 3rd

Athlete (Trainer!) of the Day: Ally Turner
Age: 20
When did you begin CrossFit? July 2012
What class time do you typically attend? Either 9 am or 4pm

What is your favorite movement?  Clean and Jerk, Pistol Squats, HSPU's
What is your favorite lady or hero WOD?  "Nicole"
What movement do you dread?  THRUSTERS & WALL BALLS!
What is your dreaded lady or hero WOD?  "Karen"
What is your most recent CrossFit accomplishment?  I did MU's in a WOD for the first time!! :]
What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit WOD?  "I need a nap"
What would your perfect WOD look like? HSPU, pistols, Sprints, T2B
What are your goals? I think it would be fun to compete in some Oly Lifting Competitions!
If you could torture on trainer, which one and why?  TREVOR! Only because when we first started, we were pretty much fed to the wolves.  Must he must have done something right, because we stuck around! :]


3 x 12 RDL (light)
4 x max effort strict pull up


5 min AMRAP:
3 Deadlifts (275/195)
7 Push Press (115/85)

If time: 10 min gymnastic skill work post WOD.

Thursday, April 2nd

Athlete of the Day: Michelle Benes
Age: 31
When did you begin CrossFit? Nov 2014
What class time do you typically attend? 6 pm

What movement do you dread? Snatch
What is your most recent CrossFit accomplishment? handstand hold :)
What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit WOD? YES!!!
What are your goals? Hand stand push ups- even just 1!!!
What motivates you during a WOD? Push myself to do better than yesterday!
If you could torture one train, which one and why? Trevor! Because he always smiles when discussing WODs!
What is something about yourself that we might not know?  I love to fish and do mud runs!
Do you have a funny CrossFit story? - Save these for Jim! (He has a bunch of these!) (toot toot)


Back Squat Find a perfect 3RM or 5/10lbs heavier then last weeks 90%
3 x 3 @ 90%


1000 M Row For Time

Please read: Request for help and updates information

Image result for volunteer time

Hey Guys,

First off, I want to give a HUGE thank you to so many of our members who have been a vital part of this year's spring updates. We have been working extremely hard to provide our BCF family a place they can be proud of and an awesome environment for all of us to train! Just to give everyone an idea of the team effort it took to pull this off and so you know who to thank for what when you are enjoying so many of our new features...Barbell Rack System (Buster & Tessa), New Plyo Boxes (Scott & Susan), Sound System (Juan & Alice/Coming Soon), Wall Ball Targets (Bob & Aimee/Coming Soon), Platforms (Bethany, Jim, Erika), Wall Ball Rack & Counter/locker (Exline), Trim, Paint, Staining, Bumper Plate Racks, hooks, bins. (Max & Exline).

We would like to put the final touches on everything this Saturday after the 9:00am class. If you have an hour or two to spare and would like to have a couple laughs and help polish things off please feel free to stop by. We will be staining the plyo boxes, staining & mounting the remaining 2 platforms, painting beams and posts, staining the kids zone and touch up. Many hands make for light work and we are so excited to see this puppy all finished up!

Finally...Thank you to each and every BCF member for making this possible! Together we have built a CrossFit Community to be proud of!



Wednesday, April 1st

Athlete of the Day: Erika Baca
Age: 39
When did you begin CrossFit? Nov 27, 2013
What class time do you typically attend? 7:15 pm

What is your favorite movement? Too Many! Cleans, DU's, HSPU's, Pull Ups, Rope Climbs
What is your favorite lady or hero WOD? Any that I can do Rx...Annie, Helen, Mary. 
What movement do you dread? Wall balls...ugh.
What is your most recent CrossFit accomplishment? 81# snatch
What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit WOD? That was fun and it's gonna hurt tomorrow!
What do you do when you're not at CrossFit? I'm a budget analyst, and I enjoy reading, yard work and snuggling with my fur babies.
What would your perfect WOD look like? See above- my favorite movements! ;)
What are your goals? 250# DL, 200# BS, 150# C&J, MU...and once I get those, I will revise. 
What motivates you during a WOD? The end.
What is one thing you have done at CrossFit that you never thought you would do? Rope Climb was a huge one.
If you could torture one trainer, which one and why?  I prefer to let them torture me.
What is something about yourself that we might not know? I'm shy...really shy.
Do you have a funny CrossFit story? This isn't funny, but my second day of CrossFit was a Saturday and the workout was a chipper and incredibly hard.  I thought I was going to die, or quit. There was a buy in and buy out of a run.  Thankfully, Angela Vandehey and another sweet soul (not sure who- but possibly Susie Jurgensen?) ran with me on the buy out.  That's probably what hooked me to CrossFit. 


5 Front Levers  
10 Hollow Rocks  
5 Back Levers  
10 Superman Rocks 


For total reps:
3 min Clean&Jerk 
3 min Double Unders
3 min Burpees
