"A Community that SWEATS Together, STAYS Together."

We want to provide a safe, encouraging, and positive environment for adults, kids, and athletes of all ages to learn, improve, and reach their health and fitness goals. Most importantly we want to be a place that people leave healthier and happier than when they walked in.

Friday, April 3rd

Athlete (Trainer!) of the Day: Ally Turner
Age: 20
When did you begin CrossFit? July 2012
What class time do you typically attend? Either 9 am or 4pm

What is your favorite movement?  Clean and Jerk, Pistol Squats, HSPU's
What is your favorite lady or hero WOD?  "Nicole"
What movement do you dread?  THRUSTERS & WALL BALLS!
What is your dreaded lady or hero WOD?  "Karen"
What is your most recent CrossFit accomplishment?  I did MU's in a WOD for the first time!! :]
What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit WOD?  "I need a nap"
What would your perfect WOD look like? HSPU, pistols, Sprints, T2B
What are your goals? I think it would be fun to compete in some Oly Lifting Competitions!
If you could torture on trainer, which one and why?  TREVOR! Only because when we first started, we were pretty much fed to the wolves.  Must he must have done something right, because we stuck around! :]


3 x 12 RDL (light)
4 x max effort strict pull up


5 min AMRAP:
3 Deadlifts (275/195)
7 Push Press (115/85)

If time: 10 min gymnastic skill work post WOD.