Athlete of the Day: Sydney Gregg
Age: 14
When did you begin CrossFit? Nov 2012
What class time do you typically attend? 4 pm
What is your favorite movement? Power Clean
What is your favorite lady or hero WOD? Annie
What movement do you dread? anything overhead
What is your dreaded lady or hero WOD? Angie
What is your most recent CrossFit accomplishment? 1st Rope Climb! :)
What are your goals? A handstand push up
What motivates you during a WOD? The blasting music!
What is one thing you have done at CrossFit that you never thought you would do? MURPH!
5x3 BS
2x10 Goodmorning
2x10 Lateral Lunges
5 RFT:
15 KBS (53/35#)
10 Burpees