"A Community that SWEATS Together, STAYS Together."

We want to provide a safe, encouraging, and positive environment for adults, kids, and athletes of all ages to learn, improve, and reach their health and fitness goals. Most importantly we want to be a place that people leave healthier and happier than when they walked in.

Let Out the Inner Funk, Seating for Your Butt, Parking and of Course Todays WOD...

Hey Guys,

We are super excited for tomorrows event and thank you for all of your support! The entire Rizzo family has been blown away by everything. For tomorrows event, please have some fun and sport pink in anyway you feel comfortable. This is your chance to let your inner funk out:)...Please bring a chair to observe the festivities, enjoy your lunch, Italian ice cream and eye the awesome raffle and auction prizes that will be available.

When you arrive there will be VOLUNTEER parking attendants to help guide you to a parking spot, so please be NICE and let them help us keep things organized!

The heats will be sent out this evening, but it is not to late to get signed up and there will WODS available for people of all fitness levels to partake in. REMEMBER this is about showing your support for Staci and the Rizzo family and not about us judging your fitness level, so come out participate enjoy the beautiful weather and the entertainment.

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

The Exline's


9 Minute EMOM

Ring Stations

Ring Dips
Ring Ball Ups
Ring Push Ups


"Lucky 7"
7 Rounds
7 Jumping Lunges
7 Ball Slams
7 Wall Balls
7 Box Jumps
7 Mountain Climbers
7 Shoot Throughs
7 Air Squats

Country Seating for "Be Staci Strong" Event

FYI...Saturdays "Be Staci Strong" event will be good old fashioned country seating. BRING YOUR OWN CHAIR and let's WOD UP for an awesome family!!

Wednesday May 28, 2014


Find 3 RM DL


3 x 3 @ 90%


3 Rounds
50 Cal Row or Bike
50 DU

WOW...Take a look at all the times and how much they have improved from last year as well as the number of athletes that participated this year. Also a lot more full RX's on the board. Great job everyone!

Tuesday May 27, 2014


Back Squat
5 @ 50% of 1 RM
5 @ 60%
5 @ 70%
5 @ 80%


KB Day

Buy-in 200m Run

KB Snatch Alternating
KB Prisoner Squat
KB Lunges Alternating
KB Sit-ups

Buy-out 100m Run

M: 53/44/35
W: 35/26/18

Take a look below for some of the great pics from Memorial Days MURPH...We had over 50 athletes compete this year! Coming soon comparison results from last year to this year. Great Job Everyone!! 

Friday May 23, 2014

Strength: None



Run 1 Mile

100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 A. Squats

Run 1 Mile

Just a few of the picture from this morning classes with many more to come! Now to turn our attention to the evening classes! Time to get your Murph On!

Thursday May 22, 2014


Ascending OTM - For 8 Minutes
Odd - HSPU
Even - Ring Dips




Sit Ups

Post Murph Ice Party

The Gregg's would like to invite everyone (including families) to their back yard on Friday after classes as a post Murph get together. We will have plenty of Ice and baggies as well as beverages and light snacks. Come any time after 5:30pm. For more information on the address, etc. Please check your email or talk to the trainers at the box.

We hope to see you there!
Mark and Bobbie Gregg

Murph is only one day away! We can't wait to see how everyone does this year! Remember to come with lots of liquids and a great attitude! It's about having fun and honoring those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice. You don't have to put down the worlds best time! SO RELAX and we will see you guys tomorrow!

Wednesday May 21, 2014


Find Snatch 3 RM
Then 5x3 Snatch High Pull at 90% of Snatch 3RM


1/3 "Badger"

30 Squat Cleans
30 Pull Ups
800 M Run

Mother/Son bonding last week during the sled pushes. Both tough customers!

Summer is coming...Do you have a goal? By Monday June 2nd we would like all our athletes to set a one month behavior based goal on the board. This is not a goal like losing a set amount of weight but rather something you can have complete control over...For example making the box 4 times a week or only eating processed sugars once a week, etc. ONLY ONE GOAL! Success rates drop from 85% at one goal to around 30% for two goals and around 5% for three goals or more. DON'T TRY TO MULTI-TASK!

Tuesday May 20, 2014


10 V-UPS


5 Rounds for time

5 Deadlift
5 Hang Squat Cleans
Red Tank Run
5 Jerks
5 Back Squats
Red Tank Run

M: 135/115/95
W: 95/75/65

Only been with us a few months and Alise is already climbing ropes during the 9:00am class...Can't wait to see where she is in a year!

Monday May 19, 2014


OH Squat


6 Minute AMRAP OTM Via Points

100 M Sprint

Pull Ups = 6 Points

Push Ups = 5 Points

Lunges = 4 Points

DU = 3 Points

Wall Balls = 2 Points

Sit Ups = 1 Point

Don't forget to set aside an hour this Friday to honor those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice!
Murph here we come!!

No Classes Monday May 26th in honor of Memorial Day

Friday May 16, 2014


5 x 5 Snatch Balance

@ 50% of 1 RM

Rest 60-90 Sec. Between Sets



30 Snatches for Time

Mike PR'd today on his DL #405!! Up more then 40 pounds from his previous DL and if you can't tell by the smile on his face he is pretty pumped about it! Major props to all the hard work and consistency he has shown over the winter. It goes to show that hard work pays off and this morning he rocked it! 

Wednesday May 14, 2014

This year Friday May 23rd, we will do the “Murph” WOD to kick off the Memorial Day weekend. You’ve heard the workout. You know it’s gonna be awful. But do you know the story behind Murph? Or why we do these Hero workouts?

CrossFit Hero Workouts are done in honor of those who have died in the line of service defending our country. Firefighters and police officers and soldiers in the different branches of military who were CrossFitters themselves are honored with workouts named after them. So when you find yourself struggling to fight through the first pull ups or the squats or the last run, remember that people have died defending our country and that you are alive. Each day is a blessing.

“Murph” is named after Lt. Michael P. Murphy was a United States Navy Seal who was killed June 28, 2005 along with four other Navy SEALS after exposing himself to enemy fire and knowingly leaving his position of cover to get a clear signal in order to communicate with his headquarters. He provided his unit’s location and requested immediate support for his element and then returned to his position to continue fighting until he died from his wounds (source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_P._Murphy). He was awarded the Medal of Honor for these heroic actions.

Make sure over Memorial Day weekend you take the time to thank those you know for their service!

Navy SEALs (Sea, Air, Land) operating in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. From left to right: Sonar Technician — Surface 2nd Class (SEAL) Matthew G. Axelson, 29, of Cupertino, Calif; Information Systems Technician Senior Chief (SEAL) Daniel R. Healy, 36, of Exeter, N.H.; Quartermaster 2nd Class (SEAL) James Suh, 28, of Deerfield Beach, Fla.; Hospital Corpsman Second Class (SEAL) Marcus Luttrell; Machinist Mate 2nd Class (SEAL) Eric S. Patton, 22, of Boulder City, Nev.; LT (SEAL) Michael P. Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y. With the exception of the lone survivor, Luttrell, all were killed June 28, 2005 by enemy forces while supporting Operation Redwing 050628-N-0000X-001

We hope to see everyone on Friday May 23 for Murph. Then take the three day weekend and enjoy the time with your friends and family!

For Wednesday May 14:


Front Squat 5 RM 
4 x 5 @ 90% of 5 RM

5 x 3:00 AMRAPS
Rest 1 Minute Between Each

3 Power Cleans (135/115/95) & (95/75/65)
6 Push Ups
9 A. Squats

Tuesday May 13, 2014


Partner Sled Push 3 Rounds


2:00 Max Effort MU or Max Effort 3 Pullups & 3 Dips or 5 BB Row & 5 DB Press
Rest 60 Sec.
2:00 Max Effort Sit Ups

I don't brag about my wife much because she really doesn't like it, but she has busted her butt to accomplish her first MU...She will be stringing them together very soon no doubt!

Monday May 12, 2014

Please help us help you...When you participate in sports, bumps, bruises, and occasional injuries are part of the game. For these minor aches and pains icing is one of the most effective methods prescribed to athletes. Icing can also play a role in injury prevention. Now, make no mistake about it CrossFit is a sport and once in a while you are going to need to ice. We all say we will ice when we get home, but too often life often gets in the way of our good intentions, which is why we have decided to turn our focus towards purchasing an ice machine for the box. This way you can grab a bag on your way out the door and by the time you get home you will have already done a world of good for your body. Eventually we hope to purchase some soaking tubs like these ones in case you are feeling frisky:)

Ice machines are unfortunately not a $100 purchase at your local Wal-Mart but our hope is that as a community we can make it happen. After doing some research, it appears that an ice machine for what we will need runs between $1000 and $1200, which is just not in the BCF budget. Luckily for us we have a great CrossFit community and we are a big believer in many hands making for light work. We will be placing a jar out at the box and we are hoping that members can help donate towards helping us secure an ice machine for everyone to utilize. If you have any ideas or questions about acquiring an ice machine for our community, please let us know. Hopefully soon, we can all start taking advantage of this very simple but effective treatment.


3 @ 50% of 1 RM
3 @ 60%
3 @ 70%
3 x 2 @ 80%


2,000m Row
40 Box Jump
15 Deadlifts

Male - Rx
C-315, 24"/20"
S-255, 24"/20"
A-185, 20"/16"

Female - Rx
C-225, 24"/20"
S-178, 24"/20"
A-128, 20"/16"

Friday May 9, 2014


Hang Snatch
5 x 3 @ 70% of 3RM


30 Jumping Lunges
20 C2B Pullups
30 Jumping A. Squats
20 Knee to Elbow Push Ups

* Athlete Can Break It Up However They Choose.

Tuesday May 8, 2014

We are super excited to have Erin Wilson joining us as an honorary BCF team member this summer. Erin is coming on as a nutrition specialist to assist us with this summer's "Get Your Body Back" camp starting in June. Erin is an incredibly intelligent young lady and is full of great ideas. She has over 15 years experience in the world of fitness including extensive schooling in the world of nutrition. She is CrossFit level one certified and an avid runner. As many of you will find out, Erin brings a ton of energy to everything she does and we are super excited to have her join our team as we help those athletes serious about losing weight this summer reach their goals!!!  

No matter where Erin is she is always bringing tons of energy and we are very excited to have her on the team this summer!


Partner Pistol Squats
5 x 12

5 x Max Effort Handstand Hold Off Wall


Find 3 RM DL
10:00 EMOM
3 DL @ 80% of 3RM

Tuesday May 6, 2014

3 x 30 Walking Lunges
5 x Max Effort Strict Pull-Ups


20 Min. AMRAP
1 Jingle jangle = 5 Cone Touches
7 T2B
5 Push Press
5 Front Squats

Here is an article to help you get more out of your coffee for all of you coffee hounds:)

I’m Bulletprooooof, nothin to lose!

In passing, you may have heard some of those caffeine gulping folk speak of their coffee as being “Bulletproof”….

I’m sorry…What?? So what you’re saying is if I point a pistol at your Ecuadorian blend and fire a shot at it for no reason whatsoever, it will ricochet off the surface of the innocent coffee drink? That’s incredible!! Sign me up!

Not literally bulletproof, however, the effects of the coffee might make you feel bulletproof! *Just take note and remember that you’re not*

I have got to know what Bulletproof Coffee is!

A fellow that goes by the name of Dave Asprey is the founder of the brand Bulletproof Coffee. His story goes a little something like this:

“I learned about the power of butter at 18,000 feet of elevation near Mt. Kailash in Tibet. I staggered into a guest house from the -10 degree weather and was literally rejuvenated by a creamy cup of yak butter tea. The biohacker in me asked, “why?” and after a couple years of careful research, that was the genesis of the recipe”. Dave went on to create his own coffee that he claims to be “the lowest-toxin, highest performance coffee there is”.

Here are some benefits to this life changing beverage:

-Setting your body up at the beginning of the day to burn fat for energy

-If you have a hard time getting food down in the a.m., enjoying a bulletproof coffee will keep you satisfied with level energy

-boundless focus

That is awesome! Now how do I make it?
Brew 12-16oz of low toxin, black coffee
Add 1-2 Tablespoons grass-fed, unsalted butter (I use Kerrygold, which you can purchase at Trader Joe’s, New Leaf, and Whole Foods)
Add 1-2 Tablespoons MCT oil or coconut oil
Blend for 20-30 seconds with either a countertop blender or an immersion blender to create a creamy latte effect *You’ll definitely want to use some sort of blender…even though you can do double unders really fast doesn’t mean that you can whisk coffee with oils until it emulsifies, that just sounds purely exhausting.

So why the butter?

Any grass-fed, unsalted butter will work here. Understanding that corn-fed or soy-fed cows do not make butter with the same fats is important. Especially because we want healthy fats that our bodies will use to make cell walls and hormones, as well as give us tons of energy to begin our day and optimize our cholesterol! Whoa! Love butter.

What is MCT oil and why can I use coconut oil as a sub?

MCT oil is 6x stronger than coconut oil which means more efficient energy, burns quickly, and increases cognitive function. So you can still use coconut oil but might not be reaping all the benefits.

Do I really need to purchase his brand of coffee?

Coffee is one of the most chemically-treated crops on the planet. Toxins in cheap coffee also steal your mental edge and actually make you weak. With that said, purchase organic coffee or go local.

Here is the link to the website where you can explore The Bulletproof Way and also purchase items like coffee and MCT oil.


The time is here to reserve your spot in the "Get That BODY BACK" Challenge! This challenge has a limited number of spots available. Don't delay, contact us NOW, and get ready to see your body transform!

Friday May 2, 2014


4 x 6 Ring Ball Ups

4 x 12 Back Extensions


25 Box Jumps
30 Ab Mat Sit-Ups
14 Pistol Squats/20 Jumping Lunges
8 Bar Muscle Ups

FYI...Wilkesboro will be closed starting Monday May 5th as they add a new RR crossing. Everyone will need to come in on Roy Road which can be accessed most easily by Greenville Road or Mountaindale Road. If anyone has any questions on whats the best route for them, please feel free to talk with a trainer before or after a class!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

Thursday May 1, 2014


10:00 Minute E.O.M

6 Ring Dips
Max Effort L-Sit


15 Minute AMRAP

6 Snatch Grip DL
3 Hang Snatches
3 OH Squats

Rest 25 Seconds Between Rounds

Score = Weight Moved and Rounds Completed

PLEASE save the date...Saturday May 31st... As we honor an amazing woman, who has been fighting cancer since 2009. We will be hosting the all day event at BCF CrossFit starting at 10:00am to help raise funds for this families fight with this devastating illness. The event will have things to do for all ages and will include competitions, vendors, food, prize raffles, and more. Additional details will be coming soon, but for now please clear some space on your calendar and save the date. Lets make a difference in our own back yard!