Find Snatch 3 RM
Then 5x3 Snatch High Pull at 90% of Snatch 3RM
1/3 "Badger"
30 Squat Cleans
30 Pull Ups
800 M Run
Mother/Son bonding last week during the sled pushes. Both tough customers!
Summer is coming...Do you have a goal? By Monday June 2nd we would like all our athletes to set a one month behavior based goal on the board. This is not a goal like losing a set amount of weight but rather something you can have complete control over...For example making the box 4 times a week or only eating processed sugars once a week, etc. ONLY ONE GOAL! Success rates drop from 85% at one goal to around 30% for two goals and around 5% for three goals or more. DON'T TRY TO MULTI-TASK!