Parents & Athletes,
There has been some serious interest shown from both parents and athletes alike to start an athlete’s only class here at BCF CrossFit. The class will be for middle school through high school athletes only with some additional returning collegiate athletes joining us this summer. We are designing this for those athletes that are looking to get the most out of their athletic ability and want to come in to work hard and improve their over-all athletic prowess. We will be coming in to have fun but we are also going to be challenging these young athletes! We will be focusing on all ten key physical skill sets (See below for a description) to help these athletes improve and to give them an added advantage in each of their sports. Let’s face it, rarely do Banks athletes participate in only one sport, so coming in and focusing on the athlete as a whole is going to pay huge dividends for them not only in their perspective sport, but also in life. We are only as good as our biggest weakness, so training the body with this in mind is going to provide these athletes with the greatest results and give them the best chance at avoiding injury.
In CrossFit, we have a definition called “Virtuosity” which means to do the common uncommonly well. We only bring this up because we want to stress the importance we place on helping these young athletes build the proper foundation so they can flourish now, but also have healthy bodies beyond their high school athletics. We will be providing education on things like nutrition, range of motion, mobility, safety, spotting, and form.
Over time these athletes will progress from foundational movements like a complete range of motion air squat with the correct tracking of their knees to much more complex movements like the Olympic Squat Snatch.
They will develop raw strength and coordination through gymnastic movements beginning with movements as simple as a push-up and advancing as far as strict ring muscle ups, and iron crosses.
We will train all three metabolic pathways to improve recovery time and endurance.
We will be incorporating plyometric training with ladders, hurdles, push pull sleds, boxes, and dot drills.
These are just some of the ways we will be challenging these athletes and helping them grow. The idea of incorporating constantly varied, high intensity, functional movements allows us to constantly challenge our athletes training regimen and consequently see consistent growth and improvements over a consistent time span.
Classes will begin Monday June 17th and will be M. W. F. at 10:00 am. This class time will run through the summer and then be adjusted in the fall to fit the school schedule. The cost will be $60.00 a month for unlimited classes; after the first month the athletes will also be allowed to attend the adult classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Space is limited so please reserve your spot by emailing us at with your contact information and the athlete’s age, gender, and sports they will be participating in.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions and we look forward to working with these amazing young people!
Trevor & Bethany