Athlete of the Day: Michelle Benes
Age: 31
When did you begin CrossFit? Nov 2014
What class time do you typically attend? 6 pm
What movement do you dread? Snatch
What is your most recent CrossFit accomplishment? handstand hold :)
What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit WOD? YES!!!
What are your goals? Hand stand push ups- even just 1!!!
What motivates you during a WOD? Push myself to do better than yesterday!
If you could torture one train, which one and why? Trevor! Because he always smiles when discussing WODs!
What is something about yourself that we might not know? I love to fish and do mud runs!
Do you have a funny CrossFit story? - Save these for Jim! (He has a bunch of these!) (toot toot)
Back Squat Find a perfect 3RM or 5/10lbs heavier then last weeks 90%
3 x 3 @ 90%
1000 M Row For Time