Athlete of the Day: Nick Turner
Age: 23
When did you begin CrossFit? July 2012
What class time do you typically attend? 9 am
What is your favorite movement? Squat cleans
What movement do you dread? Deadlift, Thrusters
What is your dreaded lady or hero WOD? They all suck in their own way.
What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit WOD? I was too tired to have any thoughts.
What would our perfect WOD look like? All body weight movements.
15-20mins of Muscle-Up work
A: 5x5 Low Rings Rows (Pull to chest) & Ring Dips
B: 5x3 Ring Pull-ups and transition
C: 5x3 Negative MU's
1,000m Row
50 Thrusters (45/25)
30 Pull-ups