"A Community that SWEATS Together, STAYS Together."

We want to provide a safe, encouraging, and positive environment for adults, kids, and athletes of all ages to learn, improve, and reach their health and fitness goals. Most importantly we want to be a place that people leave healthier and happier than when they walked in.

The Deal Just Got Sweeter!!

For all athletes competing in the CrossTown ThrowDown on September 8th, Forest Grove Dutch Brothers is giving you a BCF shirt to represent our team! What?! This is so AWESOME! 

Here’s what you need to do to get one of these FREE shirts!! 

  1. Find a partner and sign-up on the board
  2. Fill out the CrossTown ThrowDown Payment Log
  3. Fill out the CrossTown ThrowDown Shirt Size Form
Whatever size and shirt choice you put down on the log will be the size and shirt style you will get for our team shirt and the ThrowDown shirt. 

If you are someone who is not competing and you would like to purchase one of these shirts they are on sale for $25. To purchase a shirt please write your purchase on the BCF Purchase Log, indicate what shirt you want, size, and style. I know this is a ton of information so if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me!

Don't delay, register now! You must be registered by August 16th to get your ThrowDown Team shirt!
