Hi BCF Athletes! You should be receiving emails welcoming you to Wodify. Within the email, it gives you a couple videos to watch showing you how to set up your account and some of the capabilities it has. If you'd like to check it out from a computer, below is the website address. Please login, update your profiles, play around with it and we will be getting more information to you shortly.
You can also download the Wodify app onto your cell phones to update your information as well! FUN!
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask. Also, if you run into any problems. I (Erika) am happy to help, if you'd like to email me at bacabcf@gmail.com. Of course, the trainers can assist, but I'd like to relieve them of worrying about any technical problems.
Thank you all and we hope you enjoy this software! It is going to be such a benefit to us all!