"A Community that SWEATS Together, STAYS Together."

We want to provide a safe, encouraging, and positive environment for adults, kids, and athletes of all ages to learn, improve, and reach their health and fitness goals. Most importantly we want to be a place that people leave healthier and happier than when they walked in.

Thursday June 12, 2014


8:00 Minute EMOM

10 Slow and Controlled Pistol Squats (5R/5L) *Scale up using weight for athletes that need it.

Hollow Rocks for remaining time up to 45 Seconds then rest last 15 seconds


Chipper For Time-
Accumulate 50 Seconds in Straddled L Sit then... 
40 Mountain Climbers
30 Pull - Ups
20 Jumping Lunges
15 Jumping Lunges
25 Pull Ups
30 Mountain Climbers

Karissa B. killing the SDHP...Great Work!

A Couple of Great Sweat Angels After a Killer Afternoon WOD!