First Weeks Details
The $10 buy-in and $50 Pod
payment is due by Wednesday, May 22nd, unless prior payment
arrangements have been made.Photo
You are responsible for taking a picture of yourself this week. Please make sure you wear form fitting attire for the before and after photos. The winner may be asked to provide us both pictures, so be decent (Ryan and Josh)J
Monday, May 20th
– Challenge Begins
Strength - 1RM Deadlift
WOD - Max
Pull-ups and 1000m Row
Pod Testing
starts at 5pm
o Wear form fitting attire, the less you wear the more
accurate the results will be.
Strength – 1 RM
WOD – 4 Rounds
(200m run, 10 Power Cleans, 10 Push-ups)
Pod Testing
available during class times
Wednesday, May 22nd
Strength – 1 RM
Back Squat
Pod Testing
available during class times