The location will be in Roy across from Steve's Machine Shop. It will include 1100 Square feet of open training space, ample parking, four bay doors for easy inside/outside training, a quarter mile trail run through the trees, and pavement running for those that don't want to get their shoes dirty!
Lastly...the thing that may excite me the most is that after training for years all over the country I believe we are going to have one of the best venues out there. We are getting away from the commercial setting and focusing on whats really important "Your Health". This won't be the place to come if your wanting to check your self out in the mirror or even better watch other people check themselves out in the mirror. You don't need to grab your headphones, a Wal-Street Journal, and hop on the treadmill next to some stranger while you pound away to oblivion with only sub-par results. This will be a place where you challenge yourself to get better everyday, watch and cheer others as you see their improvements. It's why if you have ever been in a good crossfit box the athletes act like best friends and extended family. It's something that just happens naturally as you see the same people make the commitment and sacrifice for their health that you are making.
You always here business professionals say location, location, location....well we now have ours and we can't wait to see what it provides for friends, family, and community!
No this isn't the location but you get the point:) |