This unfortunate event really got me to thinking about why it's so important to take our health seriously. So often we get caught up in the daily grind that we can lose sight of what's truly important. We strive to give our children everything we can, save for retirement, vacations, a bigger house, etc. but the one thing we so easily lose sight of is the most important thing of all (FAMILY). In the end, I believe that if you stopped and asked any close family member whether they would rather have that materialistic item they have been dreaming about or YOU healthy and living they will unanimously say YOU. Regardless of whether you choose Banks Country Fitness as part of your health plan or strike off into something different please take the time to make your health a priority. We owe it to ourselves, but most importantly we owe it to our FAMILY!!!
Again our prayers go out to the Iverson family as we wish Todd a speedy recovery!!
The Exline's & BCF Family!!