Athlete of the Day- Craig Banister
Age- 37
When did you begin CrossFit- October 2014
What class time do you typically attend? Started at 6am, go now at 5pm, 6pm, or 7:15pm (crazy work schedule)
What is your favorite movement? wall balls and row (other than that, everything sucks for the tall guy)
What is your favorite lady or hero WOD? I hate them all.
What is a movement that you dread? Pull ups
What is your dreaded lady or hero WOD? Murph
What is your most recent CrossFit accomplishment? Killing my Fran time by 3 minutes.
What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit WOD? I am too old for this!
What do you do when you aren't at CrossFit? Pitch shingles at work, try to tame 5 kids, have a blast with friends, and lastly love the Lord.
What are your goals? No banded pull ups and tons more!
What motivates you during a WOD? Music (good music) and cheering.
What is one thing you have done at CrossFit that you never thought you would do? Overhead Squats
What is something about you that we might now know? I love Georgia Bulldog football as much as my wife.
Do you have a funny CrossFit story? First class, we started the warm-up and I was so tired from the warm up. Then I hear "let's talk about the workout of the day". I thought how the heck am I going to be able to do this. I thought the warm up was the workout. Of course, I am too big to just sneak out of the class.
1 RM Snatch
5 Rounds
8 Back Squat (225/185/155) (155/135/95)
10 C2B Pull Ups
100 M Over Head Farmers Carry (45/25)
10 Ring Push Ups