Max Reps in 2:00
Jumping Pull Ups
3 x 4:00 Minute AMRAPS
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
rep scheme is 1-2-3-4
Go all the way up to 4 reps of each movement and then repeat starting with 1 rep until 4 minutes are up.
HSPU (C-Deficit, S-Regular, A-Scaled)
Pistol Squat (C-44, S-Regular, A - Scalled)
(C-26, S - Regular, A-Scaled)
Rest 2:00
Turkish Get Ups (70/53/35) & (44/35/26)
Man Makers (45/25/15) & 30/20/10)
Rest 2:00
Shoot Throughs (Through & Bask is 1 rep)
Burpee Box Overs (Over and Back is One)
What a Nice Group Stretch...Who Says Boys Can't Play Nice in The Sand Box!